


Basically innuendo lyrics from pop music and other genres.

Pekoe and Hip were thinking the same thing, but Hip was the only one who said it... while thinking her standard "desu wa"... :D

Date Rating Safe Score 67

2434 said:

I mean... yeah, that actually is a fact and it really is a problem that the face of Eagle Union lacks any leadership persona or leadership appeal. A leaderless faction has no order or special qualities, it's dull and directionless. Just an interesting comment from T34/38 that I saw on the child post of this, of which that really made me think. Has this been discussed on reddit? I'm pretty new to actually engaging with the English fans about this game. Also isn't it weird how Enterprise is the only one facing sideways? It's like she doesn't belong among the rest and that goes back to what I commented on what T34 said.

I've always thought of the Eagle Union as being a more loosely structured navy compared to the others. Being based on an American mindset, there is no directly enforceable hierarchy that you would see in most other older powers. Rather, based on events featuring them, Eagle Union leadership is based on battlefield merit, and it's hard to get more meritorious than the Big E. Gunboat diplomacy encourages a big stick, and an invincible CV is as big as a stick gets, so it makes sense that other Eagle ships would treat her as a leader, whether she likes it or not.

Really a ship Like the USS Missouri would be the first thought as a faction leader, it being the ship the war in the pacific ended on, but that ship doesn't exist yet in AL. Maybe Washington, as she had a meritorious service and was named after the first president, but that kind of flies in the face of the spirit of the ship's namesake.

That's really the Eagle Unions/America's whole deal right? No single leader holds absolute power. It's what separates them from the other major powers.


aurelie174 said:

Wait isn't Brooklyn the EU representative in game?

Brooklyn is a "diplomat" but not really a "leader"

Seems the Vichya and the Libre are treated as the old "Iris" under Richelieu

Enterprise reminds me of a character from the Witcher games called John Natalis. Coming from humble origins, Natalis made his name on the field of battle, proving to be a very competent soldier and, later, commander. When his country, Temeria, lost its King in an assassination, his popularity led to him becoming the temporary regent while the King's heirs were being located. Many commoners were happy with this, as Natalis represented hope to them, but Natalis himself was troubled because he found the responsibilities of running a country to be out of his league, and set forth trying to find the heirs as soon as possible. Whether he finds the heir or not, Temeria soon falls into a Guerilla war against Nilfgaard, an empire of immense power.

Enterprise is a soldier of grand renown, and just her appearance on the field implants hope to her allies and fear to her enemies, but that is what she is at the end of the day, a soldier, not a ruler. Her facing sideways here says to me that she is simply holding the place until her true master, most likely Iowa, appears, and when she does, the rest of the countries will tremble.

Klaudandus said:

The only ship I could see taking the spot over Enterprise would be Iowa, in part because she carried FDR to the Tehran conference

Or Missouri, because she was the ship where the Japanese surrounded and ended WWll. She was also the last battleship commissioned by the United States and served multiple diplomatic missions. I think she would be a good contender, but that’s my opinion.