


Nephren said:

Why Rem and not Ram?

Tagged out of habit. I would say it´s more of a Ram given the ribbon colour. As this is just the maid-outfit by Re:Zero, the char-tag of any of those characters could also be deleted. But I´m goin to tag it as Ram for now, and if somebody is opposed to this, he can just tag it himself, I guess.

Guaro1238 said:

Tagged out of habit. I would say it´s more of a Ram given the ribbon colour. As this is just the maid-outfit by Re:Zero, the char-tag of any of those characters could also be deleted. But I´m goin to tag it as Ram for now, and if somebody is opposed to this, he can just tag it himself, I guess.

It's more likely to be rem, considering the breast size, eye color, and ribbon color, so i'm changing it, if anyone disagrees, feel free to cahnge it though

vhrossi1 said:

It's more likely to be rem, considering the breast size, eye color, and ribbon color, so i'm changing it, if anyone disagrees, feel free to cahnge it though

breast size and eye colour are no real indicators for this, because it´s just a cosplay; if this were the case, we would have to take a better look on every cosplay, given the breast size and tagging alternate_breast_size etc. even if the original character has their original breast size. Same for the eye color.
And given the ribbon colour: Ram has a blue ribbon in her hair, while Rem got a pink to purple one. Hayasaka Ai is wearin a blue one too, so it would be Ram's ribbon.

It´s not really that important which character is cosplayed here, because we can´t really tell. It just kinda a standard maid Re:zero uniform. The only reason why it´s not Frederica is, because she has no detached sleeves. If we had a Maid-Uniform tag for Re:zero, I wouldn´t even tag it as one of those specific character-cosplay.

Deear said:

Downvoting me isn’t going to solve this please answer my goddamn question.

No, now stop it. Get your head out of the gutter. How the hell do you see someone crying and think "but what if they're getting themselves off?"

There's nothing in this image that suggests that she's masturbating, even something remotely sexual.

Deear said:

It’s that arm pointing downward toward her groin, plus the blush is where I got the impression.

By that logic she also could have also been holding a gun she shot someone with. Or had a papercut on her hand. Or broke something in her hand. Or an empty bag of chips. Or a bouquet she received. Any number of millions things to make her cry or blush. Yet we do not tag those for a reason.

You do not see it, you do not tag it. I think it was that simple.

Reader-added tags include "That's a premeditated crime, Kogasa-san", "My, you're shrewd, Kogasa-san", and "Extortora Kogasa" (originally replacing Tatara with takari (extortion/blackmail).

Bet you five bucks she's freaking out over something very mundane, like she forgot to start the washing machine after putting her clothes in it before leaving home.