


The artist also shared a full version of the left page of the manga being read in the twitted source, for anyone interested.
Should it be uploaded as a child for this image?

Is it just me, or does the Osa-Yukkuri look like its 'Gangnam Style'-ing as it runs?

Dakkan said:

Is it just me, or does the Osa-Yukkuri look like its 'Gangnam Style'-ing as it runs?

Yea it's not the first time it's been noticed. They always seem to be Opping it up when they run. Normal running is far too mundane for them.

Checked all my volume controls, tried downloading and playing from HDD, but I don't find any audio in this vid. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if not, please confirm by removing the video_with_sound tag.

SafetyFirst said:

Checked all my volume controls, tried downloading and playing from HDD, but I don't find any audio in this vid. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if not, please confirm by removing the video_with_sound tag.

Video with sound is more of a file type rather than literally having sound. Webm without sound will automatically loop, this one does not.

Godel said: Video with sound is more of a file type rather than literally having sound. Webm without sound will automatically loop, this one does not.

My understanding from reading the wiki is that the tag itself is what prevents the video from looping. Since there really doesn't seem to be any audio component to this video, I've removed the tag, and the video does now loop.

CountPacula said:

My understanding from reading the wiki is that the tag itself is what prevents the video from looping. Since there really doesn't seem to be any audio component to this video, I've removed the tag, and the video does now loop.

Oh I guess I had my facts wrong than, thanks for correcting ^_^

Godel said:

Oh I guess I had my facts wrong than, thanks for correcting ^_^

I m a idiot in computer,just wanna ask that what does loop mean?(seems like a stupid question ..lol)

Sheesh, those skirt just look plain useless at this point. Also kind of uncomfortable I am not gonna lie.