


Damn, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her anymore. The other clones will probably kill her or leave her behind.

Juicy_Kisses said:

Damn, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her anymore. The other clones will probably kill her or leave her behind.

She turns into their archnemisis

iori98 said:

She turns into their archnemisis

Isn't she the least likely candidate? Finding exploration scary means she'd want nothing more to do with the apartment.

Garrus said:

Isn't she the least likely candidate? Finding exploration scary means she'd want nothing more to do with the apartment.

Might make her more susceptible to all the anomalies, potentially causing one to possess and turn her into the Anomalous Giant Otter.

luntoer said:

Might make her more susceptible to all the anomalies, potentially causing one to possess and turn her into the Anomalous Giant Otter.

She can just leave, though. Nothing stops anyone from leaving the apartment if they choose to.

What makes me a gud train'ar?

UserAccount said:

The Demoman has scrumpy, Isabelle prefers whisky, what does Gloria drink again?

Scumble. It's made from apples.

... mostly.

BlastingNaba said:


Um... that's supposed to be drunk by the thimbleful. That's a whole bottle she's chugging. Better have some Klatchian coffee handy...

Steak said:

They're all clones with the same memories. The only differences between them is the role they take on a specific outing. Any of them could lose their nerve.

Per twitter notes (https://twitter.com/abubu_newnanka/status/1234492489051996165) the anomalous otter was completely flowerizing the mask it got a hold of to make sure mask's memories couldn't be replicated. Since the otters' gimmick only works so long as they can rely on the cloning to keep their numbers and gathered experience (the reason they rotate rolls), cloning an otter that has felt fear means future clones will be infected with fear as well.

Also an otter that feels fear is just contrary to their jolly nature.

Steak said:

They're all clones with the same memories. The only differences between them is the role they take on a specific outing. Any of them could lose their nerve.

Differences in disposition would emerge over time as each otter experiences something different. These might take many months or years to be noticeable. The otter that managed to crawl out of the theater may be an example.

poonspoon said:

Also an otter that feels fear is just contrary to their jolly nature.

It's like a dog that meows or a cat that barks. Also yeah, you don't want one that's been seized by fear to be the only one left to clone from. Exile seems the right choice if they cannot function as any role on the team anymore.

79248cm/s said:

Don't be a party pooper Mask. Think of the FUN to be had in exploring!

Let's be honest, exploration is !!*FUN*!! in the same way Dwarf fortress is fun, and for the same reason. Losing is fun, and you/they can always try again and use what they learned to do better.

I'm hoping "Exile" means that they just kick her out of the apartment rather than dropping her off in some random floor.

Black_Gold_Saw said:

I'm hoping "Exile" means that they just kick her out of the apartment rather than dropping her off in some random floor.

My common sense would recommend poor Giant Otter to just go outside and explore the pretty normal world.
Which immediately makes me wonder; Is a cloned Giant Otter able to leave the apartment?