


Wow, I can't believe this is actually real (I hope), can't wait for this to drop on EN (I hope)

jc11770 said:

Wow, I can't believe this is actually real (I hope), can't wait for this to drop on EN (I hope)

Its real for sure, it was teased during the Polarized Light Livestream ages ago, with the actual characters being showcased on the anniversary livestream. Cant say when it'll reach EN (Even if i did know, i wouldn't be allowed to divulge such), not to sure when it'll be hitting the CN server, i'd give it about a month or two. There are 5 characters total that'll be added (possibly more), the two here, Claes, Angelica and Rico.

HellScythe42 said:

Its real for sure, it was teased during the Polarized Light Livestream ages ago, with the actual characters being showcased on the anniversary livestream. Cant say when it'll reach EN (Even if i did know, i wouldn't be allowed to divulge such), not to sure when it'll be hitting the CN server, i'd give it about a month or two. There are 5 characters total that'll be added (possibly more), the two here, Claes, Angelica and Rico.

I don't play GFL, but I hope Petra gets in.

Myrrhmidon said:

I don't play GFL, but I hope Petra gets in.

Sadly, the web stream and a recent ad has confirmed only the original five girls will be in this crossover.

There's no escaping from the clutches of

Fleet Admiral Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas Archange Shilage....

LookToTheLeft said:

A selfie stick for a purification rod?

I can roll with this.

What's worse than getting exterminated you ask? Why, having someone beat the shit outta you with the physical manifestation of vanity.

It's a good thing that the average Gensoukyan denizen doesn't know what it is because they'd never live down the shame.

KillRoB-XV said:

What's worse than getting exterminated you ask? Why, having someone beat the shit outta you with the physical manifestation of vanity.

A thought a vanity was the physical manifestation of vanity.