


Dreadnought said:

Well I mean, the virus doesn't affect Earth-chan.

Yeah. Much like how scientists are looking into using phage therapy to kill bacteria instead of antibiotics, it can be argued that the Coronavirus is like the earth's version of the phage therapy used against humans.

dasCKD said:

Yeah. Much like how scientists are looking into using phage therapy to kill bacteria instead of antibiotics, it can be argued that the Coronavirus is like the earth's version of the phage therapy used against humans.

Not what I was going for but still an interesting take.

Told you, Gangut isn't a true believer. Too much imperial sympathy still. Don't worry, Comrade Medium One and Comrade Tiny One will whip you back into shape, Gangut.

azurelorochi said:

Wait, so you are aware that fan demand for non-Ash Pokemon anime has always been high, yet you think "there's no audience" for it? What do you call the millions of people who watched Pokemon Generations then?

If you're saying "non Ash anime wouldn't be able to make as much merchandise", then again I call bullshit. 99% of Pokemon merchandises are the Pokemons themselves, not the human characters, so any anime with them will sell toys and whatever just as fine as long as the anime itself is popular enough.

Clamoring for Pokespe adaptation, Yugioh style adaptation of the games where protagonist changes every season, more grownup oriented anime, are among the few "non-Ash" anime ideas that has always been popular for over 15 years now. Clear your own logic, man.

I think that's only mostly in the western market. The eastern market still mostly sees Ash/Satoshi's series as THE pokemon anime, and little things like Generations as just marketing/promotion/expansion for the games.

Makamou said:

I think that's only mostly in the western market. The eastern market still mostly sees Ash/Satoshi's series as THE pokemon anime, and little things like Generations as just marketing/promotion/expansion for the games.

Oh sure, in Japan the hate for Ash/Satoshi is nowhere as prominent as it is in the west. Japan is far more accepting to the notion of "I'm going to grow out of this anime in 3-4 years so who gives a shit about inconsistencies", so Ash never going to win a league is hardly ever an issue.

That said, the voices demanding a SECOND Pokemon anime still had always been high. I mean if Fate, Danganronpa, Monogatari and the such can have several spinoffs airing within the same year, you think a franchise bigger than all of them combined such as Pokemon can handle doing that as well.

Not to mention with how Generations had its English dub version actually released months before the Japanese version came out, or how Pokemon had aimed for a global release ever since XY, Gamefreak DO know how big their western fanbase is so it's actually unsurprising if a second anime should have been made because they listened from the requests from overseas. It's win-win marketing either way.

azurelorochi said:

Oh sure, in Japan the hate for Ash/Satoshi is nowhere as prominent as it is in the west. Japan is far more accepting to the notion of "I'm going to grow out of this anime in 3-4 years so who gives a shit about inconsistencies", so Ash never going to win a league is hardly ever an issue.

That said, the voices demanding a SECOND Pokemon anime still had always been high. I mean if Fate, Danganronpa, Monogatari and the such can have several spinoffs airing within the same year, you think a franchise bigger than all of them combined such as Pokemon can handle doing that as well.

Not to mention with how Generations had its English dub version actually released months before the Japanese version came out, or how Pokemon had aimed for a global release ever since XY, Gamefreak DO know how big their western fanbase is so it's actually unsurprising if a second anime should have been made because they listened from the requests from overseas. It's win-win marketing either way.

But that's the thing. Generations already was their "second anime" for all the westerners who kept bugging them to replace Ash. Besides, replacing him would be like replacing Nobita. The pokemon anime isn't exactly meant to be a grand adventure of epic monster fighting, it's a kid's gag show that just happens to chronicle a boy on a journey instead of staying in one city. It's that formula that has been raking in the merchandise money for years. Most of the "darker" stuff is just nostalgia bait for older people to get their kids interested in the main stuff, which makes more money.

Makamou said:

But that's the thing. Generations already was their "second anime" for all the westerners who kept bugging them to replace Ash. Besides, replacing him would be like replacing Nobita. The pokemon anime isn't exactly meant to be a grand adventure of epic monster fighting, it's a kid's gag show that just happens to chronicle a boy on a journey instead of staying in one city. It's that formula that has been raking in the merchandise money for years. Most of the "darker" stuff is just nostalgia bait for older people to get their kids interested in the main stuff, which makes more money.

Except I'm talking about requests for second anime from within Japan. I'm not talking about taking away Ash and co because again, they are making a kids show that admitted themselves over and over that "if you're no longer a kid, maybe this anime is no longer for you".

And as much as I do think Generations was well done, they were just basically just promotional advertisements for Sun and Moon banking on the nostalgia, really. I mean they're airing for free on their official channel and are all only 5 minutes apiece, it's not really Blu-Ray marketing material.

I'm talking a full series, or maybe a theatrical non-Ash movie to test the waters first if they're not sure it will work, anything that can be a profit cow in itself. Again, if smaller franchises can do it, I don't see why Pokemon could pull it and make it even bigger.

Let Ash be the star of the "kids" Pokemon anime, let the grownups have another series they can properly appreciate. And by "grownups" I mean simply the 12+ crowd, Pokemon ain't ever going to be R-15, so just keep it Shounen. As long as they keep the story quality up to par with the games(as in BW and SM), then it's a sure profit.

azurelorochi said:

Except I'm talking about requests for second anime from within Japan. I'm not talking about taking away Ash and co because again, they are making a kids show that admitted themselves over and over that "if you're no longer a kid, maybe this anime is no longer for you".

And as much as I do think Generations was well done, they were just basically just promotional advertisements for Sun and Moon banking on the nostalgia, really. I mean they're airing for free on their official channel and are all only 5 minutes apiece, it's not really Blu-Ray marketing material.

I'm talking a full series, or maybe a theatrical non-Ash movie to test the waters first if they're not sure it will work, anything that can be a profit cow in itself. Again, if smaller franchises can do it, I don't see why Pokemon could pull it and make it even bigger.

Let Ash be the star of the "kids" Pokemon anime, let the grownups have another series they can properly appreciate. And by "grownups" I mean simply the 12+ crowd, Pokemon ain't ever going to be R-15, so just keep it Shounen. As long as they keep the story quality up to par with the games(as in BW and SM), then it's a sure profit.

hahaha that won't happen. the anime is first and foremost is to entertain japanese audience (which is childern,mind you). they won't make anything to market that may or may not accept the anime,evenmore if the anime isn't guaranteed to be famous as it is in japanese. they're not the one who do risky move,and that's commendable.

blindVigil said:

Stupid shit

The original comment was directed toward me. Am i not free to answer that, irrelevant of its posting time? Or should i follow unrelated third party as you are?

if you say something is stupid,elaborate more on how it is instead of simply posting comment that should've been done in just one paragraph. You're in no position to criticize my writing.

Plus you commit same mistake as azurelorchi did. You couldn't even grasp my point but commented anyway just for the sake of disagreeing,without clear backing argument to made it worse. My entire argument is that pokemon can be entertaining without forgetting its core that is a kids-friendly franchise. Try understanding this first before commenting trash.

HakaimaRan said:
What the heck are they watching??? I only ask because of Cliff's and Bulk's facial expressions.

The cable behind the TV is for that mind-connector thingie. Must be watching someone's thoughts...

Shaomu said:
The cable behind the TV is for that mind-connector thingie. Must be watching someone's thoughts...

Noteworthy: Optimus is unconscious and most of his body, including the ports where the mind-connector would hook up, is obscured.

Mugen_fuego25 said:

Optimus looks so cute and innocent.

well, it is that he is much more than those two that are included in him, not to mention that he is damned handsome, even in his human versions that make the T_T