


Unless you are one of many brave healthcare workers who are slammed sideways during this crisis whose sacrifice we honor greatly or if you're a worker at a grocery store who is providing us the least-terrible way to get food right now thank you so much because we know this has been a horrible time what with numbshits swarming your store for TP and everything else or if you're one of the countless workers who your employer is not letting work from home even if your job could easily be done remotely and obviously what I really meant was that we shouldn't go to bars or sit-down restaurants or conventions or sporting events or clubs or parades or any of the many non-essential places where people gather because seriously are you trying to overwhelm the hospitals and get tons of people killed you jerks, god damn it

Scholastica said:

Was the crab always her sidekick, or was that a development that happened over time?

Been on her official art since the start.