


Marchrius said:

In Tawawa VII+α, she almost fainted when she saw Sada-chan.

cd_young said:

wait what?

It's actually in Tawawa VIII+α, but yeah. It's the omake/extra series that gets added to the compilation books. In that one it has the various main girls all talking to each other about their respective romances (except for Kouhai-chan, who seems oblivious to her own circumstances), and there's a brief spot where Sada-chan shows up to be interviewed by the others. Ai-chan pretty much faints immediately (full white eyes and foaming mouth) when she sees the ghost.

Looks to me like Ai-chan just panicked the instant the game started and shot everything on screen until it ended. One of those "terror unlocks her true potential" sort of things.

Marchrius said:

In Tawawa VII+α, she almost fainted when she saw Sada-chan.

Dakkan said:

It's actually in Tawawa VIII+α, but yeah. It's the omake/extra series that gets added to the compilation books. In that one it has the various main girls all talking to each other about their respective romances (except for Kouhai-chan, who seems oblivious to her own circumstances), and there's a brief spot where Sada-chan shows up to be interviewed by the others. Ai-chan pretty much faints immediately (full white eyes and foaming mouth) when she sees the ghost.

And I just spent 20 minutes tracking down a version of VII + α, to try to find it too...


Just wondering, is there any indication of that game being HotD? I mean I know the name is a parody, but the visual doesn't look familiar to me.

I don't see Ai-chan's Sister or Kouhai-chan in the image despite them being tagged. Can anyone point them out to me?

Valentine322 said:

Just wondering, is there any indication of that game being HotD? I mean I know the name is a parody, but the visual doesn't look familiar to me.

There are several HotD games, and they usually look quite different in visuals. Tawawa of the Dead might just be intended to represent a generic parody of HotD in particular or zombie shooters in general.

There are several HotD games, and they usually look quite different in visuals. Tawawa of the Dead might just be intended to represent a generic parody of HotD in particular or zombie shooters in general.
underline mine, italics theirs

Can concur-ish. The last time I played HotD (2, it's the only HotD I have personally played that involved urban shooting) was over six or seven years ago at least, and I don't remember seeing it was night. I can say it's not specifically after HotD1 (that one's inside a mansion, plus you don't see the sun set) or HotD3 (you're inside a post-apo lab compound/building for much of the day, only leaving the building in the night after the final boss). I know a 4 existed, but it's been even longer since I last watched a playthrough off YouTube (legit arcades weren't a common thing in suburb Indonesia, I don't own any PS, I quite literally only know a PC port (regardless of sanction) exists as I type the original comment, and I can swear I played some more 2/3 after I lost track of those videos) I can't say anthing about it.


@L.A.L.A. now that KhorneFlaeks has brought it up. Look he might have been a bit rude about it about but ultimately he's right. Your recent posting has been really on the fence of what is acceptable within the rules and it's really starting to annoy a lot of people. There is a reason almost all your recent comments have been downvoted. Now speaking as some who has upvoted some of your comments I really do think you should either cut back on commenting or if you really want to comment on something but don't have much to say hit the No bump button below the comment section. Otherwise, you might start to attract negative mod attention.

L.A.L.A. said:

As for the “killing”, well, I could kill a stranger that’s on my house (regardless if it stealing or masturbating or something like that), however, I could try to “hide” any sort of evidence, like: (Aside to burying the stranger), I could take on another sets of clothes (just to wash the other ones), clean the mess in order to not leave any clues, wash my hands (and possibly take a shower) in order to leave all that stuff behind, clean the house (in order to make any sort of “clues” be gone) and then wait until everything's over...

Okay, that makes you sound like a psychopath. I could go into why cleaning up the mess wouldn't actually hide the evidence, as forensics can easily find traces of blood even where it isn't visible to the human eye, but honestly I'm far more concerned at the admission that you could just kill someone for intruding in your home regardless of why they're there.

Aside from that, I'm also one of the people that's gotten pretty annoyed by your constant commenting. Your desire for roleplay or interaction is no reason to be bumping 6+ images every single day, every few hours like clockwork with completely pointless comments. I have, unwillingly, followed your entire journey through old Touhou art from the day you made your account up to this exact moment. You do not need to bump every single image you comment on, this is the exact reason the "No bump" button exists. Like others have mentioned, a lot of your comments have been getting downvoted, and some of them have gotten several downvotes each, people are getting annoyed and they're only going to get more annoyed the more you keep this up.

@L.A.L.A. By checking the No bump box before submitting your comment, your comment won't bump the picture to the top of Comments.
By doing no bump, no one will know you commented on it unless someone actively views that picture and scroll through the comment section. You should primarily use it when commenting on old pics or when role-playing, though role-playing should be limited in any cases.

L.A.L.A. said:

@blindVigil oh, ok... Soo, am I like... some sort of Monster in human's clothing? (Aka. Like, just a pestilence that’s just hidding beneath someone who’s “pretending” to be “friendly” right?, also, about the “killing” I could just try to do it if they have a good reason to be there (Except if it is a robber), otherwise...)

Honestly, I think you just need to read howto:comment , and take it to heart. Maybe observe other people's comments. Your comments always do stand out to me as well. Not all are good, not all are bad. On the whole, the ones which actually lead to discussion of some sort are the better ones I would say. The one-liners, not so much. I comment fairly frequently I think, but don't really attract heat for it.

As for the other bit... yeah, just stop talking about killing people. It's honestly quite creepy how fixated you seem to be on it right now. Probably best to just let that drop.

L.A.L.A. said:

@blindVigil oh, ok... Soo, am I like... some sort of Monster in human's clothing? (Aka. Like, just a pestilence that’s just hidding beneath someone who’s “pretending” to be “friendly” right?, also, about the “killing” I could just try to do it if they have a good reason to be there (Except if it is a robber), otherwise...)

No, I don't think you're some kind of monster, I just think you're kinda weird and your current fixation on killing is kind of creepy. So, like Garrus said, you should probably just stop talking about that. This isn't really the place to be talking about how you could kill someone and cover it up, especially when the topic was about cute anime girls, other people have gotten warned and banned for that kind of behavior. Try to keep things light.

Watching this kinda reminds me like that seeing some of my comments downvoted, makes want to question about why and please to upvodated again... but seeing this makes me feel like an stupid doofus and, and even if I say this I could just get ignored and downvoted, again...

And seeing my comments and comparing them with other people comments makes me feel small... I guess I was scared since I’m kinda weird in this place that by commenting stuff makes me feel “relive” (Since I comment stuff that has in my head about those pictures, before I forget them), but seeing that this does more harm that good, then... I don’t know what to do, specially since I’m only a person in a vast sea of other people with different ideas and stuff... I wish to be like everyone else and not have any problems like that...

Thinking about it, I wonder how can I fix my comments in order to not have any problems in the future..? and please don't be mean to me... :(


Is it really a false smile? Hijiri actually seems like she did manage to amuse herself.

Coga said:

Is it really a false smile? Hijiri actually seems like she did manage to amuse herself.

With activities meant to be enjoyed in groups, you’ll notice. Maybe one or two of those items behind her can still be properly enjoyed alone.