


Why hasn't this been translated? It looks cute and isn't exceedingly long (JijiGuda's untranslated parts, I'm looking at you)...

thats how you ask to use a fishing pole koishi
you most definitely DO NOT rip it off the person in question

Should all the previous artworks of Le Temmie in the same outfit be retroactively tagged by this tag for an in-game outfit?
This swimsuit outfit was designed as early as L'Opiniatre's own (a mini-Temmie was even on the official artwork) and consistently drawn by Riichu the same way.

FoxMelody said:

Should all the previous artworks of Le Temmie in the same outfit be retroactively tagged by this tag for an in-game outfit?
This swimsuit outfit was designed as early as L'Opiniatre's own (a mini-Temmie was even on the official artwork) and consistently drawn by Riichu the same way.

I don't see any reason why not, besides some extra bikini strap differences, the costumes are pretty similar to each other.

The text on the wall is just the name of the series (and the pool) so I've removed the translation_request tag.

One of Umikaze's hair flaps.
The length of Umikaze's braid.

The anchor symbol on Akatsuki's cap.
Akatsuki's trembling hand.

The bridge on Nagara's sunglasses.

A white sign in the background to the right.
One of the pieces of tape on the sign behind them.


Unbreakable said:

The bridge on Nagara's sunglasses.

It's NATORI. Nagara don't have breasts that big.