


What's going on with beloved Asashio-chan's P90 mag? It looks like the bullets are just floating around in there without a spring. I'm hesitant to tag it as an error because surely Aida Yuu would know how a P90 works after doing Gunslinger Girl, wouldn't he?

Grave-tan said:

Actually, from what we've seen of Bismarck, she had never resorted to harsh punitive measures the way Atlanta does it, so perhaps our dear German battleship is the kind of dorm manager that deals with this place best. Hell, for all the trouble the other shipgirls cause, they are very quick to rely on her, which implies considerable trust in her abilities.

That is a good point. Perhaps the grass is greener on the German side of the hill. At the least, Atlanta's punishments are much longer in duration than Bismarck's; Iowa was denied bacon for 3 days, not a whole month (post #3589794). But will Bismarck be willing to resume such an abused post? Maybe she and Atlanta could share the duties; I get the feeling they would get along. Atlanta respects military discipline, and her AA skills could keep Ark's pesky Swordfish at bay. ^u^

I think this is to make the girls want to ease up on Bisko, to avoid a recurrence of the big stick that Atlanta represents.

Claverhouse said:

To deny Pola wine is unwittingly sadistic and impossible.

Never impose a punishment that can't be enforced.

She still has a warehouse of umeshu tho. Like the russians, it's all about how to perceive the rules.

Grave-tan said:

Actually, from what we've seen of Bismarck, she had never resorted to harsh punitive measures the way Atlanta does it, so perhaps our dear German battleship is the kind of dorm manager that deals with this place best. Hell, for all the trouble the other shipgirls cause, they are very quick to rely on her, which implies considerable trust in her abilities.

At the same time...Biscuit cracked for a reason. She was kind of getting overwhelmed and stepped on in many ways.