


Before reading the commentary i knew the laxative line was something the author was holding on it. It was too perfect but too hard of a lone to use normaly.

Also i dont want to imagine the mess leftover from this.

OH MAH GOD!Pickles are gross, no wonder why Malina worrying about cleaning that chair again.

Zekana said:

for those curious, this does have a follow up image on twitter....do not look it up.

I follow it up because I'm a goddamn cat in terms of curiosity and... it was pretty mild, even for me, that have the scat tag blacklisted.

Pronak said:

I follow it up because I'm a goddamn cat in terms of curiosity and... it was pretty mild, even for me, that have the scat tag blacklisted.

somehow the purple goo version was more disturbing then the brown poo version.

Pizzastoners said:

I think the red head is malty but i'm not sure about the other one

her friend Rifana

-abraxas- said:

i like the implication that they share sensations

It's literally one demon in three bodies.

alyss said:

It's literally one demon in three bodies.

They're three bodies sharing one soul, unless I missed it there's no official word that they share senses.

blindVigil said:

They're three bodies sharing one soul, unless I missed it there's no official word that they share senses.

what if demons experiences sensations directly or via the souls?