


Steak said:

Define "taboo politics".

Minorities' human rights, universal healthcare and gun control. Topics that explodes in an extreme two-fronts conflict. You can see right now, where a fair and understandable demand, like a stop to police abuse is generating a lot of confrontation.

8knots said:

I'm more concerned about the fact that United States is one of the countries in the world that hasn't "flatten the curve" and with all the nationwide riot that's happening right now, it's just going to get worse.

The second wave is going to blamed on these protesters, even though a couple of weeks ago, the US had protest for opening business when the spreading of the virus was at its maximum.

Pronak said:

Minorities' human rights, universal healthcare and gun control. Topics that explodes in an extreme two-fronts conflict. You can see right now, where a fair and understandable demand, like a stop to police abuse is generating a lot of confrontation.

I don't think there are solutions that wouldn't be worse than the problems.

8knots said:

Things like these are also happening in my country, don't just go boldy making assumptions that I haven't got the slightest idea of what's going on.

Then surely you must also be aware of all the Americans who, a month ago, were staging their own protests against the shutdown but are now shedding crocodile tears because other people are contributing to the pandemic. The level of hypocrisy here right now is staggering. I'm not encouraging anyone to spread infectious disease, just pointing out that the folks who waited until now to start expressing concerns about COVID are not being entirely sincere.

iridescent_slime said:


I think USA isn't the only country with that kind of problem mate.

I've been staying inside my house for the entire time in the last 3 months and you can figure that out whether my concerns are valid or not.

iridescent_slime said:
Then surely you must also be aware of all the Americans who, a month ago, were staging their own protests against the shutdown but are now shedding crocodile tears because other people are contributing to the pandemic. The level of hypocrisy here right now is staggering. I'm not encouraging anyone to spread infectious disease, just pointing out that the folks who waited until now to start expressing concerns about COVID are not being entirely sincere.

I believe that's just the bitter talking. It is possible to believe that the threat level of COVID can be managed without having to resort to economic cataclysm using and enforcing proper precautionary habits, and still complain that the current rioters and looters (and sometimes, yes, the protesters) are flagrantly violating more than just the precautions in mind.

iridescent_slime said:

Keep in mind that those two groups are not necessarily the same people. Concluding that they’re contradictory or disingenuous simply because you belong to neither group is fallacious.
Being anti-lockdown was somewhat radical libertarian right. Being anti-riot or anti-BLM is centrist and authoritarian right respectively.

Dear Youmu: your counseling isn't fast as Parsee. Also, it doesn't hurt but thinking about a needle going through my skin is scary. And I know that feeling...

Starosta said:

Also, it doesn't hurt but thinking about a needle going through my skin is scary. And I know that feeling...

You get rid of the pain by sniffing one of those alcohol pad things! It really helps sometimes!