


Random_Fanguy said:

Wow, I didn't expect him to go all out on the compliments like that. Nicely done.

I really expected him to keep talking about her boobs after the second page but it turned into a happy ending, nice!

"I won't tolerate you speaking like that to anyone but me" sure sounds yandere to me. Proto-yandere at the very least; only a few steps until "If you speak that way to another woman I'll do something about it".

Chuy88 said:

"I won't tolerate you speaking like that to anyone but me" sure sounds yandere to me. Proto-yandere at the very least; only a few steps until "If you speak that way to another woman I'll do something about it".

... Not really. It's more "You're talking about me as if you've fallen for me. It embarrasses me, but it also makes me happy. So if you talk about other women the same way, I'll be upset".

Krugger said:

She has waited and its paid off it seems

It's about damn time Enty had a chance to be at her righteous place on top.

I like this picture so I decided to go check out the artists pixiv and wow, massive yikes. It's really bad and I suggest no one go there ever!!! It's got everything bad, from racist fetish art, to bestiality. Not sure how such an artist even made this.

2434 said:
I like this picture so I decided to go check out the artists pixiv and wow, massive yikes. It's really bad and I suggest no one go there ever!!! It's got everything bad, from racist fetish art, to bestiality. Not sure how such an artist even made this.

Eh, it's not that bad. The bestiality is mostly his older stuff. One image with an unconvincing zombie dog (something about Dragon Quest III?) is pretty much the worst of it.

FJH said:

Eh, it's not that bad. The bestiality is mostly his older stuff. One image with an unconvincing zombie dog (something about Dragon Quest III?) is pretty much the worst of it.

The NTR and racist stuff is what mostly turned me away. NTR might be acceptable to some but the racist stuff is just bad, especially in current times. Not sure why what I said deserved a hidden comment but I guess it's the internet for you.

Unrelated to the bel/enty shipping, but yes, Japanese artists tend to lack the sensitivity/non-tone deafness their western counterparts tend to have with regards to racial problems, and yes, that is still not an excuse for them to produce racist stuff.

Creative works depicting black domination themes are inherently problematic because it is deeply rooted in white supremacy, in the notion that black or other colored people are taking and raping white women and threatening the 'white race'. And thus, any such work is exploitative to black people because this is exactly the kind of logic that led to the countless murders and lynchings black people still suffer today. And don't get me started on how genital sizes are vastly exaggerated in pornography. Even though such fetish is a imported good to japan, a yikes is very much deserved for these kind of work regardless of author.

Raining97 said:

why tf u delete his civ6 save file?

What kind of a monster even do this

Does Taiga even have a flat chest complex? It's been a while since I've watched the series but I remember her being pissed off when people called her short - and just being pissed of in general - but not much concerning bust size.

I think I recall once her being shocked at just how big Ami's were, but that's about it. Heck, by the end of the series she's the only girl with a boyfriend/fiancé, so it's not like were a detriment to finding a relationship.