


Y'know, so far it's hard to tell just why Himekawa dislikes Okatu-protag so strongly. While she's called him "gross" a few times, considering that she's doing something like this as a part time job it doesn't seem that she's against him because of being an otaku.

Yes, there's likely a certain amount of "just think of the money, smile and bear with it" but if she really hated dealing with otaku in general I doubt she'd be doing so. Especially if this is the kind of getup she has to wear for it regularly.

I think there needs to happen a really impacting event involving Himekawa-san and Otaku-kun to boost his likability to some not-so-negative levels...

Dakkan said:

Y'know, so far it's hard to tell just why Himekawa dislikes Okatu-protag so strongly. While she's called him "gross" a few times, considering that she's doing something like this as a part time job it doesn't seem that she's against him because of being an otaku.

Yes, there's likely a certain amount of "just think of the money, smile and bear with it" but if she really hated dealing with otaku in general I doubt she'd be doing so. Especially if this is the kind of getup she has to wear for it regularly.

What if its just an act?

Aside from it being typical tsundere attitude? I'm guessing that she's probably an otaku herself, only that she keeps it private from others because she has an image to maintain. So seeing someone showing their interest openly like the protag irritates her.

Basically "I want to talk with him about otaku stuff but I can't so I have to push him away lest I geek out".

T34/38 said:

What if its just an act?

Then we'd have to presume that the likability score is/can lie to the audience, or that it measures something other than how much the respective girl likes Otaku-protag.

There are no visible comments.

Not many times do you see a Doujin centered on Parsee. One with a modern day setting, no less...

LOL'd at "Fried Sparrow" with Mystia's hat on the box cover.

Speaking of which, it said "Fried Seabass in the first panel and "Fried Sparrow" in the third and fourth. If its a translation mistake, someone should correct it.