


thescarredman said:

If the game looked like this, I'd have bought it.

You mean, like a filtered real life photo?

thescarredman said:

If the game looked like this, I'd have bought it.

It's a free to play game?

I cannot imagine being that someone who only bought a game solely due to how it looks like and not how it plays.
I'm sorry sir but if that's the case, you would want a movie.

thescarredman said:

If the game looked like this, I'd have bought it.

First, it's free. Second, if it looked like that, you would need a phone like the one from NASA tho.

Krabbensaft said:

Can someone explaining me why Jessica is rich? Haven't found any hints in her dialogues and profile files

In the tutorial episodes, Dobermann told to Jessica to be careful with her ammo, since it's expensive and not easy to get, to which Jessica responds that she has bought a lot of crates of ammo by saving her lunch money, which leaves Dobermann speechless.


Krabbensaft said:

Can someone explaining me why Jessica is rich? Haven't found any hints in her dialogues and profile files

Just 1 hint amongs many hints : In one of the early tutorial stages, Jessica mentions that she bought her set of (very expensives) guns and ammos by saving up her snack money.

Krabbensaft said:

Can someone explaining me why Jessica is rich? Haven't found any hints in her dialogues and profile files

On top of what others have said above me, the setting of Arknights does not have gunpowder, but uses Originium, so it's even more expensive because you are effectively using Uranium-238 as propellant and the bullets are able to be detonated with an act of will by the shooter. This makes guns and bullets even more expensive than in our world to the point that only one country has any sign of developing guns more advanced than pistols and most stick with bows and crossbows.

pyroninja13 said:

On top of what others have said above me, the setting of Arknights does not have gunpowder, but uses Originium, so it's even more expensive because you are effectively using Uranium-238 as propellant and the bullets are able to be detonated with an act of will by the shooter. This makes guns and bullets even more expensive than in our world to the point that only one country has any sign of developing guns more advanced than pistols and most stick with bows and crossbows.

Now that you mentioning it, i am always wondering through playing why most of the snipers using bows and crossbows and not firearms like a machine gun to shred down a shielded enemy into pieces. So that explains why they are less effective against high def enemies. Thanks for the explanation by the way, guys

Krabbensaft said:

Can someone explaining me why Jessica is rich? Haven't found any hints in her dialogues and profile files

I don't think the game ever actually explains WHY she has so much money. Like, yes she saves money by not buying snacks, but it never particularly explains where her income is from (she works for Blacksteel, but nothing beyond that)

xitel said:

I don't think the game ever actually explains WHY she has so much money. Like, yes she saves money by not buying snacks, but it never particularly explains where her income is from (she works for Blacksteel, but nothing beyond that)

She could be the daughter of Blacksteel owner