


Tetsamaru said:

We do have robotic Dolls as seen with armored enemies in night battle. And these in theory are supposed to be stronger than our retrofitted Civilian T-dolls we're using such as Aegis enemies and the spider bots.

Actually, what you see in those chapters aren't even the actual top-of-the-line military units.

When the military breaks out their actual combat power in later chapters, "curbstomp" is an understatement for what happens.

illogism said:

If you payed attention to the story, they say in both chapter 4 and 5 night missions that cute girls are better for having interactions with their clients and other civilians.

Yeah, it's important for your dolls to be human-like in both appearance and behaviour; which while may have brought a slew of issues since they have the capacity to think and feel emotions, it allows your dolls to blend in with the human population and better interact with them. Which helps since your organisation is a PMC. You provide security to your clients, whom are usually high-profile and rich civvies, anywhere the KCCO can't deploy their manpower, and major businesses.

For example, in the wedding story, GnK was contracted as armed bodyguards for certain high-profile clients. In this story, the clients were a couple who were having their wedding photo-shoot. The couple refused to hire bog-standard combat dolls since the dolls would intimidate other visitors and generally tense up the atmosphere of the celebratory event. Your dolls, however, could blend in with the crowd in their bridal gown and were even included into the couple's photo-shoot session as decoys.

darkspire91 said:

From what I've heard, T-dolls are a combination of civilian use dolls, which would need a human shape to blend in with society, and security/para-military work, which don't draw attention in human-esque bodies.

Then again, Persica could be going full 2001's A.I and trying to make dolls into humans. M4a1 showing weird signs of this.

The whole M4A1 reason is plot important and is a massive spoiler in itself. But you can say that yes, she is showing weird signs.

Kyrozen said:

This lead to some interesting implication. Hopefully it's just artistic liberty or else, people will start howling about dolls having veevee.

They don't, they're metal beneath the skin as we see in-game.

Some pleasure Dolls are mentioned existing but the closest thing we get are Nytos...whatever they hell they are./spoiler]

Kyrozen said:

This lead to some interesting implication. Hopefully it's just artistic liberty or else, people will start howling about dolls having veevee.

The artist has also drawn her with a very robotic left arm, which is not visible here, so don't take this super seriously.

It makes sense to make humanoid combat robots.
They can use any weapon a human can use, so no need do design special robot-only weapons.
They can use doors, they can just sit in a car or heli, there doesn't need to be any special compartment.
They can use the same tactical gear.

And if they got human-like exterior beyond the general shape, they can work as infiltration units, interaction with the soldiers and civilians is easier.

And for going all the way, why not. Especially since many of the T-Dolls seem to have more personality than simple combat AI, why not give them all the featurs.

oracle135 said:

I was commenting on Atlanta's reaction, though.

Like seriously, if you see my original post, you'll see that I was quoting Atlanta's eraction, not Eugen's report.

I read that as "Atlanta's erection". Completely derailed my train of thought.

Jarlath said:

You're making a lot of assumptions there about what rank each ship has. Given WW2's outcome, the admirals and leaders should be the heavy fleet carriers, if weight = rank. Yet Sara wasn't apparently in charge.

It seems to me that the KanColle canon in regards to rank, which Ido-sensei seems to follow, is that the Fleet Girls are rankless and equal. Anyone of them can serve as a fleet flagship or as the Admiral's secretary ship (the deputy commander), all at the discretion of the Admiral. This is, of course, a necessary mechanic of the game where the player has absolute control of everything. Players would complain if they couldn't make their favorite destroyer or submarine waifu a fleet flagship or secretary.

If we go by historical precedents of who served as flagships, then heavy cruisers (like Houston, San Francisco, Indianapolis) served as flagships just as often as battleships and carriers, so absolute size and firepower aren't necessarily the deciding factor of which ship would be flagship. Capitol ships were more likely to serve as flagships because they had the necessary communication equipment and extra space required by the admiral and their staff. I'm sure admirals had some discretion to choose which ship carried their flag. For instance, Admiral Chester Nimitz took command of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl by flying his flag on the submarine USS Grayling. (As an aside, are they ever going to introduce US subs to the KanColle universe? If they ever implement Shinano, they would be remiss not to bring in her sinker, USS Archerfish. Then there is Cavalla, who sank Shoukaku, and other greats like Tang and Wahoo...)

Atlanta herself served as a flagship, under RADM Norman Scott, for a flotilla of destroyers during her final actions at the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, so there is a historical precedent for her to be in a command position.

nawgonog said:

...(As an aside, are they ever going to introduce US subs to the KanColle universe? If they ever implement Shinano, they would be remiss not to bring in her sinker, USS Archerfish. Then there is Cavalla, who sank Shoukaku, and other greats like Tang and Wahoo...)...

And there are no Russian submarines in KanColle too!