


nonamethanks said:

The connection here is that Libeccio, Maestrale and Scirocco are all wind names.

Scirocco also the name of the 4th Maestrale class, isn't it?

nonamethanks said:

Does this really qualify for graphite (medium)? It doesn't look like it's pencil-drawn.

I thought the same, actually, but that came out as a translated tag. Maybe the coloring/shading is just really really good? It's hard to tell.

boredman23 said:

This comment section is basically going to turn into this again, isn't it?

I thought I remembered there being a similar argument about this kind of thing

Figures it was also sparked by DOOM art kek

You know, this has been bothered me for a while, but i don't know where to ask it & how to get different opinion from different people, so can i ask it here?

Danbooru, is as far as i know and i think, is like a repository site, a 'warehouse' which users are able to post content and search for images they want to see through tags and ratings, right? And as far i know, the only pros of become some kinda big uploader are more upload+comment quota, rank, etc. Like basically, a storehouse with certain restrictions and bonus where you can show things you think is amazing enough to show to others, right?

Why some people feels...don't know, offended? When they can't 'store & show' a picture here? I mean, if you like a picture and some don't, why don't you save it in your PC when you can see it without anyone criticizing, calling you out on certain fetish (Oh the bans sections...) or restrict you? Even going as far as resorting to sockpuppeting and trolling when you can't get what you want? You don't get some actual benefit from it afaik, so why?

This is just my opinion as a common visitor to Danbooru.

KowaiTeitoku said:

You know, this has been bothered me for a while, but i don't know where to ask it & how to get different opinion from different people, so can i ask it here?

Danbooru, is as far as i know and i think, is like a repository site, a 'warehouse' which users are able to post content and search for images they want to see through tags and ratings, right? And as far i know, the only pros of become some kinda big uploader are more upload+comment quota, rank, etc. Like basically, a storehouse with certain restrictions and bonus where you can show things you think is amazing enough to show to others, right?

Why some people feels...don't know, offended? When they can't 'store & show' a picture here? I mean, if you like a picture and some don't, why don't you save it in your PC when you can see it without anyone criticizing, calling you out on certain fetish (Oh the bans sections...) or restrict you? Even going as far as resorting to sockpuppeting and trolling when you can't get what you want? You don't get some actual benefit from it afaik, so why?

This is just my opinion as a common visitor to Danbooru.

Some people see uploading and the "recognition" of uploading more of the best art faster than others as highly valuable, despite it being basically worthless. For them it's more about pride than any desire to actually share art. I'm fairly certain quite a decent number of uploaders don't even care about the art they're sharing, they just want the "fame" of being the first to upload it.

And for whatever reason some, or possibly most, humans get offended if you don't share their opinions, taking it as a personal attack even though they didn't even make the art they uploaded. If you don't like what they uploaded, you're stupid and have no taste, or, according to a bizarrely high number of agitated comments, you're a loli rape lover who hates feet.

The short answer is that people are weird and assign value to weird things. Also they don't like it when you don't like feet as much as they do.

blindVigil said:
See, this creates a weird situation. There is, to my knowledge, only one example of Western IP official art on this site besides this one, and it's also for Doom Eternal. As far as I can recall, it has always been considered by most active users of this site preferable to avoid uploading official art of Western IPs, primarily because there's just no real point to it. The site exists as an archive for "anime" related fanart, because artists have a habit of just suddenly deleting their accounts and sending all of their art to the abyss. Eastern IP official art is also featured here to make it easier for English speakers to find. Neither of these concerns are really relevant to Western IP official art, it's easy to find and not very likely to just vanish from the face of the internet completely out of nowhere.

You're wrong - there's lots of art for Western IPs here (I'm not going to name anything because I'd rather it not get flagged by over-zealous weeaboos).

The difference is, most Western art will be either comics or game related. Comic-art is usually off-topic due to the style/subject matter not appealing, and game-art is usually 3D and thus of no interest.

Kikimaru said:

You're wrong - there's lots of art for Western IPs here (I'm not going to name anything because I'd rather it not get flagged by over-zealous weeaboos).

The difference is, most Western art will be either comics or game related. Comic-art is usually off-topic due to the style/subject matter not appealing, and game-art is usually 3D and thus of no interest.

I was specifically talking about official art, I know there's lots of western IP art here, but I can't recall seeing any official art.

If you were talking about official art, link me in DMs or something? I'm curious to see what we have. Even if there is more official art than I'm aware of, it's not exactly easy to find, I'm skeptical that there's "lots".


Just FYI, it's been a problem for a long time now. The issue is that the ToS are seven years old and have never been updated to reflect the rise in popularity of stuff like Overwatch and similar, which have nothing to do with anime but are still very much accepted on danbooru. I plan to raise a forum topic once issue #4415 is fixed so we can actually figure out this topic once and for all.

...wait. When did it become known Ai is KiraKira Archer's VA?

And would that detail make this pic belong in the "Wow that was fast" instead?

edit; nm, it had to been known at least since 2/12, putting this firmly in AT-SIC territory.