


Working on translating these with Japanese and Google Translate. I heartily encourage anyone else to correct me.

RedHen35 said:

Working on translating these with Japanese and Google Translate. I heartily encourage anyone else to correct me.

Futa is not my thing, but I really appreciate your effort to translate these.

luckily it was a crack noise and not a cut/slash noise so it's not as bad as it could be...he really does need a hospital visit though.

Jarlath said:

Is it hot? As I'm masochist level hot?

Are you talking about the food or the girls? With you I can never know.

It's basically this, which actually has a warning printed on the container that you shouldn't eat more than one of these a day due to the sheer amount of calories; since it's an instant yakisoba that uses 1.3 litres of water and contains over 2000kcal...


NegativeSoul said:

After this they become best friends.

I think the angel general is gabriel

Alice666 said:

I think the angel general is gabriel

Difficult to say without further identification. Gabriel is but one of several archangels (the exact number varies depending on which texts you accept as canon), although he is probably the best known due to his role in the Nativity - but, as his role in the Nativity suggests, Gabriel is generally known as a messenger of sorts, a revealer of God's truth to mortals. He could fight, as indeed all angels could, but it isn't really what he's known for.

Probably the most martial of the archangels is Michael, who in his various roles was attributed as protector of the faith and leader of Heaven's armies - it says on the Wikipedia page that he even beat Lucifer and the armies of Hell in the War in Heaven, which sounds metal as all get-out. Generally speaking Michael seems like the best fit.

Bonus info: Azazel is also a figure from the literature and is 100% a fallen angel, usually depicted as a goat-like demon. I guess all that snooping about in Hell had a lasting effect. :P

NegativeSoul said:

After this they become best friends.

I mean, if Archangel compliments Judgment fighting capacities and Judgment states to Archangel that her work is impart justice, they might become friends.