


“You better finish everything in your plate young man!”

“*sigh* yes, mother... Wait. Finish ON or finish IN?”

“As long as you finish, son. As long as you finish”

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Indeed, we definitely need more pictures of Fate's Cú Chulainn as the "protagonist" of several of his mythological self's exploits.

On a side note, the artist mentions in her commentary that she used the statue that represents Cú Chulainn's death that can be seen in in Dublin's General Post Office as a general inspiration.

Where the hell do I even start...

Well, since moving last august, a lot of things have happened in my life. First off, I found out my stepmother was dying back in February, unresponsive in the hospital after a sudden stroke. She died later that same month. And while I wasn't that close to her, I've had to step up and keep my dad company- because almost all my stepmother's friends just vanished from our lives and we haven't heard from any of them since.

And then, of course, the pandemic started ramping up not too long after the funeral, so now my dad's basically just been binging Netflix shows while being stuck alone in their house. I'm stuck in my apartment, working from home, and we're both going stir-crazy. On top of that, there's the problem that my stepmother had her stroke right before she was gonna rewrite her will to cut off her rotten biological children- who've been nothing but shits to her, my dad, and me, while I had to make nice with her for my dad's sake.

Ironically, I went from the "black sheep" of the family to the favorite, because I was the only one who wasn't being horrible to my dad and stepmother. So now, my dad is going to have to go through the Probate with my step sisters and brother in order to get the whole will thing sorted out... And of course, in the midst of EVERYTHING else I've mentioned, it turns out that my nephew is drug addict and a thief!

Seriously, I can't say ENOUGH about just how important proper wills are! This is the SECOND legal fight I'd had to deal with, because my mom had to do the same thing after my stepfather died without a will!

DarkStar84 said:


I guess some folks think they'll live forever... If only.

Writing wills isn't something the hopefull are inclined to do, as it feels like embracing the inevitable.

Wow, you really had it rough.

I had a really hard time during the pandemic but that's nothing compared to what you've been through.

I don't know what to say but hang in there.