


Tokimaru said:

I see 6

5 are obvious but 1 very hard to see until looking for much more details.

I just realized what Amagi was saying, the Carrier divisions are always a pair, Akagi and Kaga, Hiryuu and Soryuu, Shokaku an Zuikaku. No wonder Akagi-chan doesn't know how her rigging works, she needs a Kaga-chan to synergize with.

cd_young said:

I just realized what Amagi was saying, the Carrier divisions are always a pair, Akagi and Kaga, Hiryuu and Soryuu, Shokaku an Zuikaku. No wonder Akagi-chan doesn't know how her rigging works, she needs a Kaga-chan to synergize with.

But what about Ryuujou though? She doesn't have a dance partner after all.

bubblehead47 said:

I hope she's those 8k points exchange ships.
I already get all the other french event ship so I dont really want to spend cubes just for her. Plus Im running low on cubes too.

But knowing yostar, they will prob add her to the gocha pull.

if she is the point ship and in the gatcha she'd have the 0.5% rate up all shop ships have.

v571866 said:

She's a mini-event reward.

How mini it is we do not know.

Either one of those 7 days with tasks each day or a grindfest like Belchan, perhaps.

In general, she's elite rarity it looks like so it probably won't be too hard to get.