


They are loving this Assam is the smallest second year Gunner and I don't want them to stop

Anyone knows how to interpret "胸張っていけ" from the untranslated bubble I've left?
I suppose I know the meaning but I need to be sure.

EDIT: Ah and "本機" from the following page which I don't know the meaning.


firechikara said:

Anyone knows how to interpret "胸張っていけ" from the untranslated bubble I've left?
I suppose I know the meaning but I need to be sure.

Literally? "Spread your chest (wide) and go".

But 胸張って is an idiomatic way of saying "with confidence" (because you're standing straight with broad shoulders while doing the "chest spreading"), so it usually gets translated as "(go forward) with your head held high", "walk tall", "walk forward proudly", etc.

I believe French has an equivalent idiom as « garde la tête haute... », right?

firechikara said:

EDIT: Ah and "本機" from the following page which I don't know the meaning.

Literally "this machine" or "this device", but in the context of the comic it means "this vessel"/« ce vaisseau ». It's basically clipped, formal military/technical speech.

darkspire91 said:

I feel like I'm reading a Calvin & Hobbes comic.

Yeah that's about what I'm getting, mixed a bit with Bloom County.

Why do I feel like every comic on this site involving adult sized Akagi has been all about Akagi getting owned by herself and 300 percent deserved it

darkspire91 said:

I feel like I'm reading a Calvin & Hobbes comic.

The tone and style of humor aside, it's got the three-panel setup, one-panel delivery a lot of the C&H strips had. And same.

Tsumikiria said:

Why do I feel like every comic on this site involving adult sized Akagi has been all about Akagi getting owned by herself and 300 percent deserved it

I mean, it's Akagi.

Also, want to note Akagi brought a knife to this fist fight, and still lost!

Krugger said:

Do believe she threw the kitchen sink

...And yet no one thought to tag it (or the knife in panel 1, for that matter) before now. Oh well.

Incidentally, I really enjoy it when a kitchen sink shows up outside of a kitchen, and I'm not sure why.

Alanis, killed by an eagle named Grim

Krugger said:

Do believe she threw the kitchen sink

Wait, that was a sink? Damn, I sure thought it was a door at first sight.

Sendai's gonna see bladesmanship on a whole new different level, I'll tell you that.

Man UMP45 better not encounter the gun angel or fangirling will happen

Getting some "legendary battle" vibes from that last panel. Need to establish the resident badass at Ark knight base.