

Date Rating Safe Score 6

Lex_Ex said:

It's funny since we knew Comrade Medium One is half italian while Gangut is the pure blood.

Gangut is a Russian Czarist/Putinist nationalist while Tashkent is Uzbek-Italian Leninist/Stalinist communist.

Kryptik said:

Gangut showing that she is still not a true believer, unlike Comrade Medium One.

It could also be poking fun at Russia's constant search for warm water ports, since she's thinking about the sunlight.

KingsleyDawson said:

My point still stands, as a quote from WarGames said:

"A strange game, the only winning move is not to play."

I mean there wouldn't be something good out of this whole mess when the next comic is titled "ICBM".

Gary_Gunman said:

no, but Dried Skin and heatstroke

Well, they can get that when they aren't wholly immune to damage from heat, anyway. Don't think somebody who can go swimming in lava has anything to worry about heatstroke.

Date Rating Safe Score 2

Jarlath said:

Atlanta is even hotter than ever now.

Finally someone who can stand up to the Admiral has appeared.

Also, using his childhood friend like that to manage the French ships...

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

So many ways this could have gone wrong...

...but then again, that doesn't really separate it that much from the admiral's other schemes.

Kryptik said:

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

I think the first iteration of this admiral being a schemer is on Zuiun Cult incident

Though I have to said, Luck is definitely one of his better stat.

Shouldn't Columbo be marked here as well?

Atlanta's dissertation is pretty much on the ball with what the inspector did when the perp was caught?

astraympx said:

I think the first iteration of this admiral being a schemer is on Zuiun Cult incident

Though I have to said, Luck is definitely one of his better stat.

His overall characterization seems closer to the Commander Goto from Mobile Police Patlabor, laid back, a bit of a slacker but iltimately caring for his people and no stranger to bouts of intellectual sharpness.

Bismarck and Graf seems to share the role of stand in for Shinobu Nagumo. Whereas Atlanta could be the closest thing to Kanuka Clancy.

Kryptik said:

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

That's what he wanted you to think.

I'm leaning towards him being a lazy bastard.

Also, Atlanta still hot. Her and Colorado.

Yeah, catching your mom in the act with another man, that's gonna cause some mental scarring let me tell you.