


Haruna, you are one step OVER the finish line -if you do even nothing from this point forward the amount of progress you will have made in one night will be insane.

For God’s sake, don’t backtrack now.

Theparagon said:

Haruna, you are one step OVER the finish line -if you do even nothing from this point forward the amount of progress you will have made in one night will be insane.

For God’s sake, don’t backtrack now.

This is Haruna. She will sabotage herself.... which is why Hibiki won the wife wars.

Jarlath said:

This is Haruna. She will sabotage herself.... which is why Hibiki won the wife wars.

I could have sworn the fubuki series impled that he marreid and settled down with all of them in the end.

cokerpilot said:

I could have sworn the fubuki series impled that he marreid and settled down with all of them in the end.

That series said that he ringed all of his ships, which is true. The only question is whether he decided to get intimate with any of them and I don't think we've seen that even with Ooi.

Kryptik said:

I'm still holding out for Ooi, dammit.

The lack of Ooi in any comics in four tastes years suggests that she's left or died.

No, simply no. Whatever the designer used to make him/herself high to be able to come up with that kind of outfit i'm sure as hell don't want any.

It's based on horniness, obviously. I'd be surprised if something like that exists in real life outside of fetish wear.

So at what point between chasing down the decoy Pasta bote and chasing down the fake Pasta car did Atlanta go get dressed?