


Thanks a lot for the translations, MrSusher! This series is so cute and I'm glad there is more of it!

Date Rating Safe Score 2

Atlanta is even hotter than ever now.

Finally someone who can stand up to the Admiral has appeared.

Also, using his childhood friend like that to manage the French ships...

ezekill said:

B4 trans: Atlanta unraveling what the Magnificent Bastard had laid out and is now hammered to high heaven after two bottles of sake?

Warspite losing it lmao

Potentially three bottles, since she has one in her hand and two on the counter (one mostly covered by the text bubble).

Jarlath said:

Atlanta is even hotter than ever now.

Finally someone who can stand up to the Admiral has appeared.

Also, using his childhood friend like that to manage the French ships...

I mean, lets be fair here, THIS admiral being this kind of schemer is a fairly recent development. Before he was a pretty half-ass delegator who basically made Nagato the de facto boss around the base.

So many ways this could have gone wrong...

...but then again, that doesn't really separate it that much from the admiral's other schemes.

ginx2666 said:

It's random even for zeroyon.

The artist has various circumstance and influence, least to say... wish him luck.

ginx2666 said:

It's random even for zeroyon.

It seems like this Kasumi had lost her right arm and suffered a head injury. The Admiral seems to be suffering some form of PTSD-- it's likely that he and Kasumi were close, and now he's struggling to cope with her current condition.

Kurzwaltz said:

It seems like this Kasumi had lost her right arm and suffered a head injury. The Admiral seems to be suffering some form of PTSD-- it's likely that he and Kasumi were close, and now he's struggling to cope with her current condition.

Damn... Kasumi can't catch a break. First she loses an arm, now she's brain-damaged to a point where she's not even the same person.