


white Kaga is Kaga Battleship. correct the tags please. Kaga_(Battleship)_(azur_lane)

added tags for M14 (seen only by her hand placing a pineapple on pizza

also why bother torturing people who hates pineapple on pizza? I mean others even put dried fish in pizza too

Elmithian said:

I am amused by the sudden new accent put here, but at the same time I am perplexed.

You mean for Takeda? It's been fairly consistent for him. Perhaps a bit more emphasized here since he's emotionally worked oup.

Moonspeaker said:

You mean for Takeda? It's been fairly consistent for him. Perhaps a bit more emphasized here since he's emotionally worked oup.

Moonspeaker said:

You mean for Takeda? It's been fairly consistent for him. Perhaps a bit more emphasized here since he's emotionally worked oup.

You really haven't noticed that her accent and use of words has changed a bit as well?

Saladofstones said:


Oh God, it's the same argument that people that ate dish soap because "it tears grease apart" and that vaccines have mercury as an "ingredient".

I still can't believe he said that. Had missed the press conference and was watching the commentary on what was said immediately afterwards, and I had to seriously go to a recording of the press conference cause I just couldn't believe that had been said that... and yet there it was.

It really does seem to reinforce what I had heard that he usually skips out on task force meetings and only is actually aware of what is going to be in a press conference just before they hold it, where he has the chance to mark up with a sharpie his lines.

Just seeing this and I'm like... "Wow, our president hasn't got a clue, huh?"

I know Trump frequently puts his foot in his mouth, but he knocked a few teeth loose with that one.

NWF_Renim said:

I still can't believe he said that. Had missed the press conference and was watching the commentary on what was said immediately afterwards, and I had to seriously go to a recording of the press conference cause I just couldn't believe that had been said that... and yet there it was.

It really does seem to reinforce what I had heard that he usually skips out on task force meetings and only is actually aware of what is going to be in a press conference just before they hold it, where he has the chance to mark up with a sharpie his lines.

The scary part is now there’s going to be a large, large number of people who will take it to heart and a even larger amount going around spreading it as fact to other people who won’t know, while not accepting any other truth because they either take his word as gospel, or call anything else that contradict it a lie.

People are going to get seriously injured or die, not just now but in the futures to come.

Keo said:

The scary part is now there’s going to be a large, large number of people who will take it to heart and a even larger amount going around spreading it as fact to other people who won’t know, while not accepting any other truth because they either take his word as gospel, or call anything else that contradict it a lie.

People are going to get seriously injured or die, not just now but in the futures to come.

Just horribly depressing that we have to have doctors and the companies that make these cleaners have to reiterate what any 5 year old will know, that you shouldn’t try and ingest or inject these chemicals into our bodies.

Keo said:
The scary part is now there’s going to be a large, large number of people who will take it to heart and a even larger amount going around spreading it as fact to other people who won’t know, while not accepting any other truth because they either take his word as gospel, or call anything else that contradict it a lie.

I can give you the perspective of at least two Trump supporters who reacted to that - the press gives him smack about even the serious things, so throw out some low hanging fruit that is unrelated so they waste their time.

On the other hand, considering this is a government that spends money on shrimp running speed and a physical border wall, I wouldn't be surprised if someone did run through a gamut of suggestions, even the outlandish, just because it was written up.