


I'm glad someone is uploading these works, I thought Kiyo was forbidden here or something.

Saladofstones said:

The only social network to watch you while you watch it!

so damn stupid... which one "capitalistic" network doesn't?

Smith0052 said:

so damn stupid... which one "capitalistic" network doesn't?

I am not allowed to divulge state secrets to non-party members.

Aaaaaaah, I remember the good ol' days, before the Panzergrenadiers armed with STG44s in CoH 1 were patched and I could banzai and delete MGs even in direct fire. I've been trying the same with the Sturmpioneers, but keep losing a lot of manpower because of that. Even tho, it's a fun strategy.

Liszt6 said:

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm stuck in Gacha hell, and so are FUCKING YOU.

Nyoupe~! I got out!
Nothing cures gacha addiction like a month of quarantine and fuckoff long JRPGs.

bunkhead said:

Nyoupe~! I got out!
Nothing cures gacha addiction like a month of quarantine and fuckoff long JRPGs.

Ah yes, JRPGs. The time wasters of epic proportions.

Selvokaz said:

Is that a Japanese thing? To roll up pancakes like an eggroll?

No its a polish thing,those are Blins

Rocko1345 said:

No its a polish thing,those are Blins

ah, i see. thanks learned something.