
Page numbering

Posted under General

I noticed the last 16 pages as numbered on the main post screen are all blank. The front page states we have 140,325 posts, divided by 16 posts per page is 8,771 pages, which is what we have listed.

The last page with anything on it, however, though is 8755. 8754 * 16 + 8 posts = 140,072 posts. Are the extra 253 posts simply those that got deleted / rejected before the post count last updated?

This is a very minor bug, but I thought I'd bring it up since I noticed it.

Updated by Arrowmaster

This is because I'm not caching the number of non-explicit posts. I'll try and fix it in a future deployment.

So does that mean theres only 253 posts tagged as explicit out of 140,325? If so thats a surprisingly very small amount.

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