
Tag aliases: censor*/*censor/steam

Posted under Tags

There are about as many censor_* tags as there are *_censor tags.

I would use them (mostly) this way:

*_censor = * is censored /// except for adjectives such as novelty censor
censor_* = * is used to censor/cover something


S1eth said:

There are about as many censor_* tags as there are *_censor tags.

I would use them (mostly) this way:

*_censor = * is censored /// except for adjectives such as novelty censor
censor_* = * is used to censor/cover something

In which case the OP two aliases stand and we also get:

1985 	? censor_bar
1091 	? censor_hair
160 	? censor_tail
45 	? censor_wings
32 	? censor_tape
6 	? censor_text
4 	? censor_soap
322 	? heart_censor
276 	? character_censor
11 	? treasure_mark_censor
5 	? star_censor
1121 	? novelty_censor
155 	? fake_censor
442 	? identity_censor
78 	? nipple_censor

That's only two tags referencing what's being censored, though. I proposed the OP aliases to fit existing practice, but I agree with Toks that making "censor" sounds better. We'd just need make a bunch more aliases to set a new standard.

S1eth said:

There are about as many censor_* tags as there are *_censor tags.

I would use them (mostly) this way:

*_censor = * is censored /// except for adjectives such as novelty censor
censor_* = * is used to censor/cover something

That's not how the tags are currently used - whether any given tag is named *_censor, censor_*, or *_censoring is pretty much random at the moment.

And I disagree with using them the way you suggest. If we wanted to separate them into two types like that, it would be more intuitive to do this:

censored_* = * is censored
*_censor = * is used to censor/cover something

"Censor steam", "censor tail", "censor heart", etc, sound awkward to me, and their names are less clear.

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