
Tags you should (not) use

Posted under General

Fef-Vii said:
I mean, is it really this much important that there are streched/crossed/whatever arms/legs presented on a particular pic/gif/flash? Is it like "OMG! Crossed Arms! *Fap, fap, fap*"?

Haha, fair enough. However if you think of danbooru (as I do) as a art and reference material resource, then it could be very useful to search for particular poses.

For that reason I've thought about constructing a tag that indicates if an image includes a background (like post #169979, as opposed to stuff like post #169955). I can't really think of a good tag to indicate this though (other than tagging all the ones that don't have it as no_background, but that wouldn't work now).

Actually, I just thought I might make a pool for it...

Fef-Vii said:
On my recent posts I actually added a tag "lying", though I don't know if that makes any sense. I mean, is it really this much important that there are streched/crossed/whatever arms/legs presented on a particular pic/gif/flash? Is it like "OMG! Crossed Arms! *Fap, fap, fap*"?

Tags are not just for searching out things you like. You might also have a particular picture in mind. Any kind of information is good.
And crossed legs are hot, okay?

phane said:
And crossed legs are hot, okay?

Depends who's crossing them.
Anyway, I got your point, but still - 40+ tags for a picture... That's kinda awkward. Does it mean that there shall also be tags for such details as shaved_male_armpits? I have nothing against detailed tagging, but I just want to know where's the "enough"-limit.

kristallimeri said: What's 'gununu' all about? Is it an Ichigo Mashimaro-related meme?

Yes, it's from a shot of Ana with a cute and strange expression, that has since been copied for hundreds and hundreds of characters. I don't know what 'gununu' necessarily means, but that's the word that always accompanies these images.

When uploading manga/doujins/whatever, should we tag them as manga or comic? I'd opt for the latter, since it's a much wider definition, bug there are still around 1400 posts tagged as manga... (Compared to comic, which has over 3500 posts.)

That's a very strange definition; I would never have thought that was what it was supposed to be used for. Instinctively, I thought "comic" was for comics, ie those things with panels and balloons. If we want to discriminate between printed comics and comics published on the web, wouldn't it be better to call the tag "web_comic"?
Moreover, 4koma are just as common in print as on the web, so it's hard to understand what that definition is really meant to cover.

LaC said:
I don't agree with what you did on post #166446.

After tagging like that for a fair bit, I came to disagree with what I did too. It was my hope that something interesting would emerge when searching for combinations of those minutely-detailed posture tags, but really it just got tiresome to judge and didn't really deliver anyway. I regret going so mundanely overboard in that streak of tagging.

Although, I would argue that the more general full-body pose tags do have some value.

Ataraxia_ said:
Isn't that a bit silly? The hair style isn't called that and most people would search for pigtails.

There was a discussion about it in a thread somewhere, even if I don't recall being the one to suggest using it.

StarlitVoyager said:
I've noticed that very few people tag pictures with anything describing pose/posture. I find this rather odd, since I am sure most of you will agree that poses have a lot to do with the attractiveness of a picture. There already are some existing tags. Many can be found at Tag Group:Posture, although the most useful probably are:

What would you call it when someone's sitting so that ass, knees and feet are all flat on the floor? As in this one and a few I've uploaded just now:

And, for that matter, posture like this? http://danbooru.me/post/show/176007 I know I like this better than 'on all fours' and it's also pretty distinct.


fel64 said:
What would you call it when someone's sitting so that ass, knees and feet are all flat on the floor? As in this one and a few I've uploaded just now:
I have come across some ambiguous postures where I simply don't bother to try to label it. Or sometimes, if a posture seems to fit the definition of a couple different tags -- or seems in-between two, there's no harm in putting both tags on the post.

As for the pic you linked, I'd probably just put sitting. She's resting on her bum, and while it's *possible* to make something more specific for the fact that her legs are right alongside it too, there's no need to go overboard.

fel64 said:
And, for that matter, posture like this? http://danbooru.me/post/show/176007 I know I like this better than 'on all fours' and it's also pretty distinct.

Ah, yes. A tag for this nicely provocative pose does already exist if you look in the Tag Group:Posture, called top-down_bottom-up. I merely forgot to include it in my forum post earlier.

To a moderator:
I just noticed that orz and all_fours are both separate entries in Tag Group:Posture, but they seem to have the exact same meaning. Would it be useful to Alias these together? My vote would be to change orz to all_fours, since orz relies on viewing its characters as a person rather than reading text, and it seems that all_fours is a more intuitive phrase to search for than orz, as well.


StarlitVoyager said: My vote would be to change orz to all_fours, since orz relies on viewing its characters as a person rather than reading text, and it seems that all_fours is a more intuitive phrase to search for than orz, as well.

orz is something rather specific, which all fours does not convey. All fours is just a posture, orz is a posture with a meaning (usually a sense of defeat, for lack of a better description).

eto... what do you called to a picture if a person is wet? such as cover/splash by water perhaps?