
Uploader and Approver Complaints on Low Quality Images

Posted under General

CodeKyuubi said:

Maybe we could set the median to be higher for popular tags like Touhou or Kancolle, which generally score above average even when the art is mediocre.

Principally are the ecchi or hentai pics, specially the ones with good drawed ass and boobs. But I find irrelevant if the promotion are made manually because more than upload high quality and scoring works, the admin choose the ones who could keep uploading "good" works.


S_holmes said:

Principally are the ecchi or hentai pics, specially the ones with good drawed ass and boobs. But I find irrelevant if the promoption are made manually because more than upload high quality and scoring works, the admin. choose the onde who could keep uploeading "good" works.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not people who are "uploading" good works, but people who "like" good works that will become Janitors in the future, isn't it? Since one of the requisites is to have a decent favorites list.

CodeKyuubi said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not people who are "uploading" good works, but people who "like" good works that will become Janitors in the future, isn't it? Since one of the requisites is to have a decent favorites list.

Albert still manually promotes them though. I doubt he'd promote someone to janitor if their uploads are crap.

Toks said:

Albert still manually promotes them though. I doubt he'd promote someone to janitor if their uploads are crap.

Would one even have to upload at all? I'd assume it's more important for the would-be Janitor to be able to recognize the good from the bad. They could be like the builders who hardly, if at all, upload, and spend their time translating or tag gardening.

CodeKyuubi said:

Would one even have to upload at all? I'd assume it's more important for the would-be Janitor to be able to recognize the good from the bad. They could be like the builders who hardly, if at all, upload, and spend their time translating or tag gardening.

Albert hasn't set any criteria related to their uploads, so no they don't have to upload at all.

But if they did upload and their uploads were bad that would probably decrease their chances of becoming a janitor.

CodeKyuubi said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not people who are "uploading" good works, but people who "like" good works that will become Janitors in the future, isn't it? Since one of the requisites is to have a decent favorites list.

I never watch about the decent favourites really. I just favourite what I like and calls my attention, because gives me a think or any feel. But still I think, the good taste doesn't exist. Gives you and order and all, and a idea of the site, but nothing more.

Personally, my favorites list is mostly just for bookmarking doujins I want to read (especially if they're unfinished) at the point where I last read them. If I want to see most decent pictures, I just search for them again.

And yeah, favorites with a high score is a somewhat dubious metric, as, again, actual quality is only one factor in many that relate to score. The best-drawn picture in the world of a landscape isn't going to get high marks on Danbooru, but a picture of Reimu in tight-fitting boob-window sweater will always get a dozen positive score.

Toks said:

issue #2408

I see, thanks.

Kikimaru said:

I'd go more by favcount than score tbh

Not everyone has scoring powers.

I have to agree here. Personally, I don't see any point in that score thing at all.

Wypatroszony said:

Any chance the promotions aren't done in a completely stealthy manner?

I changed it so they create a neutral record, like with regular promotions.

It's just one of the many factors albert is using why is this controversial at all?

Log said:

It's just one of the many factors albert is using why is this controversial at all?

Well, if I know the criteria and it is objective (like post score), I can create a script to favorite every post on the site that meets the criteria. Hence it's not a very good metric. That's not to say there are already enough accounts who seem to do just that: no activity on the site except for fav'ing seemingly every post that doesn't fall off the queue, with thousands favorites.

I'd personally lean more towards upload count/score/favcount/flags/deletions, considering only recent year or two; a person with decent taste is more likely to have good uploads.

I never thought that having a decent favorite list can be used to promote someone since I never even bothered putting something in my favorite list.

The people whose genuine favorites have an average score of 0 are more worrying than the ones who just used a bot to favorite all the posts with a score of +29 (and I'm totally sure this wouldn't be suspicious at all since the system saves when something was favorited.)

If you don't use the favorites system it doesn't mean you're automatically excluded either. It just means he can't use that metric to gauge where your approvals will lie.

If someone *is* promoted through manipulation of scores how much damage do you really believe they can do? This is a non-issue blown way out of proportion.


So, is being promoted to Janitor is gonna come out of nowhere or are we notified ahead of time in case we want to mull over it?

Kadoya said:

So, is being promoted to Janitor is gonna come out of nowhere or are we notified ahead of time in case we want to mull over it?

It sends you an invitation via dmail from admin, and you reply if you're interested.

Log said:

...and I'm totally sure this wouldn't be suspicious at all since the system saves when something was favorited.

It's not instantly obvious, or rather, not obvious at all. I don't know a way to see user's favorites time from the front-end UI. And the invitation is sent regardless.

Log said:

This is a non-issue blown way out of proportion.

Perhaps. I'm just afraid it might cause unnecessary storms in the forums later.

Type-kun said:

a person with decent taste is more likely to have good uploads.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the aim of this median quite different from "good taste"? After all, it seeks not the highest possible, but rather between 3 and 10, meaning you want the user to have favorited good pictures that aren't porn or touhou - so it's a filter that seeks people with niche tastes, so a larger variety of things gets approved

Log said:

The people whose genuine favorites have an average score of 0 are more worrying than the ones who just used a bot to favorite all the posts with a score of +29 (and I'm totally sure this wouldn't be suspicious at all since the system saves when something was favorited.)

Type-kun said:

It's not instantly obvious, or rather, not obvious at all. I don't know a way to see user's favorites time from the front-end UI. And the invitation is sent regardless.

The favorites table doesn't store the time that the favorite was created. It's pretty much the only thing on the site that doesn't keep track of this, presumably because the table's so enormous. (Though forum subscriptions don't keep track of it either it seems.)