
Stomach tag seems oddly broad

Posted under Tags

The wiki for stomach basically seems to say that it can be used as another tag for midriff or groin when the subject isn't plump, or also depictions of the organ itself.

I'd like to make the tag for only the latter. Belly is already kinda vague sounding to refer to midsection plumpness, and I can't think of a word to represent the opposite of it. Do we even need one? A post with midriff or groin that doesn't have a plump-type tag with it kinda implies that the subject isn't, yes? On the other hand, midriff isn't supposed to be used on underwear or bikini posts, which leaves a bit of open space.

I've been busy today and have ended up with a huge headache, so I'll probably split the stomach tag tomorrow then.

Migration should be done. I'd love to implicate midriff -> stomach if it weren't for that pesky "not just in front" bit. My headache continues, and does not wanna toy with nearly 72,000 posts to integrate it right now.

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