
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Regarding post #2206832
"kamuy koytakarra" isn't a character, but a player costume on PSO2. Why the tag classifying itself as character tag? When I saw the tag history, the tagger himself never include "character:" in front of "kamuy koytakarra". That means it's already set on default. Anyone can confirm this?

The character tagtype has been used to identify armor sets in Monster Hunter so unless you've got a persuasive argument as to why it shouldn't be it's fine.

Also it doesn't record someone changing a tagtype in tag history.

Schrobby said:

Do we have a tag for the wing pose in post #2207215?
If not I suggest wing_umbrella.

It was suggested a while ago to make a tag for doing the same thing with a jacket. Dunno if that ever happened, but perhaps an "umbrella that isn't an umbrella" tag could be created. object_cover?

z905844 said:

Request for this to be pinned so may it be a help thread for taggers.

It was added to the Useful Threads Index pin. That way the whole first page of the forum isn't stuffed full of pinned threads.