
Tag implication: love_live!_the_school_idol_movie -> love_live!_school_idol_project

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I'm not familiar with the series, but is there visual aspects (costumes, character appearances, etc) that are unique to the movie?

Speaking of that one:
There are also Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann moviews that don't implicate the series but have the more or less the same content. So question is (and I'm also not familiar to Love live): Is this here the same situation because then an implication would make sense.

FWIW, when I search the main series tag I definitely expect results from the movie to be there too. There are some costumes that are only in the movie, but I'm not sure what difference that makes?

Currently love live! sunshine!! implicates love live! school idol project, and the movie is much closer to the main series than Sunshine is. I'd say the movie should implicate the main tag for sure. Maybe Sunshine shouldn't, but that could go either way. Depends on whether the main tag is supposed to be for the main anime series or for the franchise in general. (In the latter case, love live! school idol festival should maybe implicate the main tag as well.)

The tag implication love_live!_the_school_idol_movie -> love_live!_school_idol_project has been approved.

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