
Move 'ranguage' implications to tag group

Posted under General

engrish (412) -> ranguage (427)
gelman (9) -> ranguage (427)
ratin (1) -> ranguage (427)

As it stands, ranguage is dominated by engrish making it rather useless as a tag so I think these implications should be removed, ranguage mass deleted, and a wiki for tag group:ranguage be made with a list of all the ranguage wikis instead.

Updated by wanchan

The suggestion makes some sense, I think, if only because finding anything other than engrish in the ranguage tag right now is impossible. If other tags did eventually get much more fleshed out then maybe I can see the implication making a return (assuming we delete it), but it indeed isn't very useful right now.

But it would be a very small tag group. How about making the tag group 'Languages', and include two main headers: Language tags (korean, chinese, french, even runes?, etc) and Ranguage tags (engrish, ratin etc).

All the language based tags seem underused in general and putting them all in one place might help raise awareness and standardization.

But I think we need more people to weigh in before any decisions are made. I'm not going to pretend I already know the best solution after giving it just this 10 minutes of thought.

Input, everyone?

I have no objection to canning the alias, but then I've never used the ranguage tag. I'm not really against the whole super-tag idea like memegui is, but this one seems to be of limited utility.

As an aside, I'm sure there are plenty of untagged ratin posts. Someone needs to go through all those Negima pactio cards.

Shinjidude said:
As an aside, I'm sure there are plenty of untagged ratin posts. Someone needs to go through all those Negima pactio cards.

The problem is that Ranguage only applies to incorrect usage, so you need someone qualified to determine that the latin is actually incorrecy. The only card I can remember having an error is Satomi's, and then I'm taking someone else's word for it.

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