
Tag implication: black-framed_glasses -> glasses

Posted under Tags

create implication white-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication blue-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication green-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication brown-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication yellow-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication black-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication pink-framed_glasses -> glasses

Link to request

I`ll go ahead like this. White-framed_glasses has only 54 posts though, still a bit above 50 rule.

Red-framed glasses and purple-framed glasses already implicate glasses


After a quick glance, I've noticed some posts have sunglasses tagged with *-framed_glasses. Sunglasses and regular glasses are separate, so a cleanup is required before the implications can go through.

Hillside_Moose said:

Sunglasses and regular glasses are separate, so a cleanup is required before the implications can go through.

So does that mean either:

A: sunglasses are a subset of glasses. Merge and tag accordingly.

B: The tags need to be split up into x-framed_glasses and x-framed_sunglasses

C: Screw sunglasses, x-framed_glasses is for glasses use only. Remove from all sunglasses posts

Edit: whoops mistake with A


To be honest: I used them for both (:yeah), but I didn't consider them as glasses/sunglasses. To me, the main focus of this tag is the color. Red, Blue, Yellow etc. What it actually described (red-framed_GLASSES) was just something to me, that it would fit...
Btw. in another thread, Renim has mentioned the word eyewear. Just an idea, but what about this:

create alias red-framed_glasses -> red-framed_eyewear?
Sure we can't imply the red-framed_eyewear to anything, but it would nuke a problem^^.

Provence said:

create alias red-framed_glasses -> red-framed_eyewear?
Sure we can't imply the red-framed_eyewear to anything, but it would nuke a problem^^.

+1 for that. red-framed_glasses implication is here for some time and wiki page says it's for glasses, but we still has posts to clean up. We just can't always look for this tags.

It will be great for search proposes, also can be used for goggles this way, I guess.

remove implication red-framed_glasses -> glasses
remove implication purple-framed_glasses -> glasses
create alias red-framed_glasses -> red-framed_eyewear
create alias purple-framed_glasses -> purple-framed_eyewear
create alias white-framed_glasses -> white-framed_eyewear
create alias blue-framed_glasses -> blue-framed_eyewear
create alias green-framed_glasses -> green-framed_eyewear
create alias brown-framed_glasses -> brown-framed_eyewear
create alias yellow-framed_glasses -> yellow-framed_eyewear
create alias black-framed_glasses -> black-framed_eyewear
create alias pink-framed_glasses -> pink-framed_eyewear

Link to request

So...now it's up to the mods which requests they prefer because I don't want to reject these requests since I'm not in that position to do so and there is no consensus yet.
But for that to work, the existing implication have to be removed.

partial +1

Wouldn't it be better to do the following?

create implication red-framed_glasses -> red-framed_eyewear
create implication purple-framed_glasses -> purple-framed_eyewear
create implication white-framed_glasses -> white-framed_eyewear
create implication blue-framed_glasses -> blue-framed_eyewear
create implication green-framed_glasses -> green-framed_eyewear
create implication brown-framed_glasses -> brown-framed_eyewear
create implication yellow-framed_glasses -> yellow-framed_eyewear
create implication black-framed_glasses -> black-framed_eyewear
create implication pink-framed_glasses -> pink-framed_eyewear

Go through "*framed_glasses sunglasses" and remove all occurrences of *framed_glasses.

create implication white-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication blue-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication green-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication brown-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication yellow-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication black-framed_glasses -> glasses
create implication pink-framed_glasses -> glasses

create implication red-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication purple-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication white-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication blue-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication green-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication brown-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication yellow-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication black-framed_eyewear -> eyewear
create implication pink-framed_eyewear -> eyewear

create implication glasses -> eyewear
create implication sunglasses -> eyewear
create implication goggles -> eyewear
create implication safety glasses -> eyewear
create implication shooting glasses -> eyewear
create implication x-ray glasses -> eyewear
create implication monocle -> eyewear
create implication 3d glasses -> eyewear

Clean up tag group:glasses.


Partial -1 on reiyasona suggestion to create implications for x-framed_glasses, as that basically doubles the tag load - I don't see the need to differentiate the color of a frame for glasses from other eyewear. Using an x-framed_eyewear alias as Provence suggests fixes the x-framed_glasses issue that is coming up with people tagging sunglasses that have colored frames, while being general enough to cover any specific tagging requirements based on eyewear color.

I'm also wondering if we really need an umbrella tag for eyewear to begin with, since we don't have the "clothes" tag be an umbrella for all clothing type tags due to the server load created for questionable benefit.

Jarlath said:

Partial -1 on reiyasona suggestion to create implications for x-framed_glasses, as that basically doubles the tag load - I don't see the need to differentiate the color of a frame for glasses from other eyewear. Using an x-framed_eyewear alias as Provence suggests fixes the x-framed_glasses issue that is coming up with people tagging sunglasses that have colored frames, while being general enough to cover any specific tagging requirements based on eyewear color.

I'm also wondering if we really need an umbrella tag for eyewear to begin with, since we don't have the "clothes" tag be an umbrella for all clothing type tags due to the server load created for questionable benefit.

Yes, I see your point.

When I proposed this completionist style implication tree I did not consider tag load or parallels to other tag groups (clothes).

Putting eyewear and glasses on the same level by creating a color related alias just doesn't seem very logical to me. Even more though, this step is contradicting the logic behind the separation of glasses and sunglasses (not wanting to see the *-framed_glasses tag used on sunglasses).

Maybe we should just create implications "*-framed_sunglasses -> sunglasses" and complete implications "*-framed_glasses -> glasses".

Alternative: create implication sunglasses -> glasses ^^
Users who want so see only normal non UV protective glasses could then just search for "glasses -sunglasses". But remembering forum topic #12825 (issue I) I can already see where this is going, ie., loosing the ability to search for posts which multiple people tagged in it who wear both glasses and sunglasses.


I also want to keep it simple - I don't want an overall umbrella implication as, per the wiki, the benefit and server load caused by the implication don't balance - too much effort for little benefit in this case.

If I'm searching for eyewear, I'll search for the specific type - just as I wouldn't use the "clothing" tag to search for serafuku, I wouldn't use eyewear to search for sunglasses or glasses. Implications are best reserved for things like copyrights and specific categories (4koma = comic, Gundam SEED = Gundam, etc), or very similar items like serafuku = school uniform.

In the meantime, we might want to take a quick poke through all the Persona 4 posts to ensure they're correctly tagged now...

Jarlath said:

If I'm searching for eyewear, I'll search for the specific type - just as I wouldn't use the "clothing" tag to search for serafuku, I wouldn't use eyewear to search for sunglasses or glasses.

I understand. I also can't image someone searching for clothing. One would rather search for the absence of clothing (-clothing), but this is taken care of by the nude tag.
As for the food tag, I can totally see why it is needed. There is no way to put all kinds of food in one query.
Admittedly, the creation of an eyewear tag would have had a low benefit because a user can already search for: ~*glasses ~goggles ~monocle

The only thing that leaves a rather unpleasant aftertaste is:

Provence said:

Sure we can't imply the red-framed_eyewear to anything, but it would nuke a problem^^.

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