
Tag Alias/Implication: Resident Biohazard

Posted under General

Aliasing resident_evil to biohazard_(series).
Reason: Original name.

Aliasing resident_evil_[#] to biohazard_[#]
Reason: Original name; poss. resident_evil_zero to biohazard_0

Implicating biohazard_[#] to biohazard_(series)
Reason: Shared characters and storyline.

Concern: merchant_(resident_evil)
Reason: Should an alias exist for one post, or should searchers just deal*?

*typed that "duel" and "dual" before getting it right

Updated by jxh2154

I raged a little, inside.

There was talk/complaining involving the Biohazard/Resident Evil issue in the old general implication discussion thread, but I don't think a definitive position was ever established on that one specifically.

I do think I'd hit/seen that at some point, but my memory grievously sucks. With these, though, "biohazard" isn't ever used by itself, "resident_evil" isn't hard to type (for alias considerations), and so long as we avoid subtitles, the tags are very simple and cut-&-paste between aliased pairs.

I oppose this because I think the EN->JP policy doesn't make much sense for most videogame series. Resident Evil is the official English title of the series, and I doubt many non-Japanese people have played the Japanese games, so I don't see a good reason why we should use the Japanese name instead of the English one.

That being said, Resident Evil == Biohazard seems like a fairly well known bit of trivia, so it's not a huge problem. I just hope people don't start trying to alias the_legend_of_zelda to zeruda_no_densetsu or whatnot.

resident_evil is just one of those exceptions everyone is just going to have to live with, like castlavania. It's been brought up a bunch of times and never did we decide to change it, so my call it to just leave it alone. (And man I hate videogame series, they always cause the most problems.)

So I'm going to deny this one, personally.

There are about 10 "biohazard_4" images, though they all have "resident_evil_4" on 'em. Should the BH tag be nixed, or should it be left there just 'cuz ('sides, it's not like it's doing much damage, or at least less than "bond_hair")?

I removed them. They do "damage" in the sense of giving people the impression it's a valid tag. That's different from a typo, where it's generally obvious it's a mistake.

T5J8F8 said: *checks* bh[#]→re[#], I mean.

I guess I can, but has this really been a problem, aside from those 10 b_4 images that were all also tagged re_4?

Nah, but as I typed, I do liek. This has probably been a cut into your time, though, so I'll leave it alone unless it does become an "issue".

T5J8F8 said:
Reason: Should an alias exist for one post, or should searchers just deal*?

*typed that "duel" and "dual" before getting it right

I approve of having tag discussions resolved by duels.

Well, only took a minute so I added aliases for 0 through 5. Someone tell them to stop making these games now. Though really 4 is the only one that had more than a couple posts.

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