
[APPROVED] American english musical note names

Posted under Tags

create alias whole_note -> semibreve
create alias half_note -> minim
create alias quarter_note -> crotchet
create alias eighth_note -> quaver
create alias beamed_eighth_notes -> beamed_quavers
create alias sixteenth_note -> semiquaver
create alias beamed_sixteenth_notes -> beamed_semiquavers
create alias thirty-second_note -> demisemiquaver
create alias beamed_thirty-second_notes -> beamed_demisemiquavers
create alias sixty-fourth_note -> hemidemisemiquaver
create alias beamed_sixty-fourth_notes -> beamed_hemidemisemiquavers

Link to request

Aliasing the American terms to the British terms being used as tags. I actually remember the American terms more.

EDIT: Added more to list as implied by the Kuuderes Shadow's comments.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1514 (forum #143963) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Yes, American English is the standard on Danbooru. The American terms should be the primary terms.

If this goes ahead, whichever direction, then I believe the aliases should be continued to cover all the tags that are used on the site. Even though they're rarer, what the heck is a hemidemisemiquaver in American English? I don't know, and I doubt many speakers of American English would know without working it out either.

I would prefer keeping the British English terms, but I don't really have any reason for that beyond it being what I know, them having always been used on danbooru, and the fact that I have single-handedly added more than half of all the uses of various musical note tags on the site, whereas I'd probably stop tagging them completely (other than when they showed up in my own uploads) if the US English terms were chosen (not that I've done much musical note tagging in the last couple of months, but I currently see that as a temporary thing). I freely acknowledge that these are not the strongest of arguments.


kuuderes_shadow said:

If this goes ahead, whichever direction, then I believe the aliases should be continued to cover all the tags that are used on the site. Even though they're rarer, what the heck is a hemidemisemiquaver in American English? I don't know, and I doubt many speakers of American English would know without working it out either.

I would prefer keeping the British English terms, but I don't really have any reason for that beyond it being what I know, them having always been used on danbooru, and the fact that I have single-handedly added more than half of all the uses of various musical note tags on the site, whereas I'd probably stop tagging them completely (other than when they showed up in my own uploads) if the US English terms were chosen (not that I've done much musical note tagging in the last couple of months, but I currently see that as a temporary thing). I freely acknowledge that these are not the strongest of arguments.

I think if the tags were in American English, more users would tag the musical notes, such that their contributions would be numerically greater yours. I don't think you put the strongest of arguments as you said. Let's say you singularly are the greatest music-note tagger, well a dozen mediocre ones combined will probably do better job.

I mean, if there's an alias why would that de-incentivize you to tag? There are some -- in my opinon -- truly horrendous aliases for tags I frequent but I just wince and tag them anyway. I'm enough of a stubborn cunt that I still type out the full antecedents of aliases like green_neckerchief.

+1 to the request...this is how I learned them in school, the other style is alien to me. I think alternative standards should be added to AE versions of things for the benefit of people in other locales, so if there are other versions there should be aliases for them as well to AE.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Even though they're rarer, what the heck is a hemidemisemiquaver in American English?

It's right there in the request :P.

I don't know much about other languages in that regard but from a German point of view the AE terms are a direct translation while the British terms (probably derived from French/Italian) are also telling me nothing.

Meaning I'd put a -1 on the request and would propose the switch the alias:
alias semibreve -> whole note
alias crochet -> quarter note

chinatsu said:

I mean, if there's an alias why would that de-incentivize you to tag?

Simple - I don't feel like going through adding tags which are meaningless to me. It's a similar argument to your one about American English but in reverse.

As for your claim that others would do a better job... well, it's possible, but I doubt it. Incidentally, I've kept a record of my tagging stats since topic #13112 was created, so I'm not just making wild guesses when I made that claim - for instance, 1131 of the 1728 uses of the "crotchet" tag on the site were added by me during this period (removals of this tag are minimal to non-existant) and I know I had several hundred before that started and I also did a musical note tagging splurge during the period that was never covered. As the tags get rarer so the proportion increases - demisemiquaver is 23 out of 27, for instance. Would these "mediocre" taggers of yours tag these rarer notes? And would they use all the other musical notation tags? At present even people who tag the musical notes don't tag these other than sometimes the clefs, and the absence of US English/British English differences would mean you wouldn't expect any increase here.

Provence said:

It's right there in the request :P.

I don't know much about other languages in that regard but from a German point of view the AE terms are a direct translation while the British terms (probably derived from French/Italian) are also telling me nothing.

Meaning I'd put a -1 on the request and would propose the switch the alias:
alias semibreve -> whole note
alias crochet -> quarter note

It is now. It wasn't then. And the US English term actually comes from a translation of the German term, which is why that is more meaningful to you. The British english terms come from a variety of places - breve comes from Latin, minim comes from French, crotchet comes from a description of the symbol (like it does in most latinate languages), and quaver comes from the verb of the same name.

Interestingly, I note (no pun intended) that on wikipedia the US English terms are used for the main wiki, but on the Simple English wiki the British English terms are used.

Anyway, here's a full list of tags that would want an alias, whichever way that alias would go:
breve rest*
dotted breve* (maybe not this one due to extreme rarity)
semibreve rest
dotted semibreve
minim rest
dotted minim
crotchet rest
dotted crotchet
quaver rest
beamed quavers
dotted quaver
semiquaver rest
beamed semiquavers
dotted semiquaver
demisemiquaver rest
beamed demisemiquavers
dotted demisemiquaver
hemidemisemiquaver rest
beamed hemidemisemiquavers
dotted hemidemisemiquaver* (again, likely to be extremely rare so might not justify it until an example shows up - honestly I was surprised when I came across the dotted demisemiquavers in post #1930923)

quaver earrings (possibly)

*tags don't currently exist.

Double dotted notes are probably worth leaving out. I don't think I have ever come across something that unambiguously was one, and I'm not sure what I would do with one if I did - they're rare enough that you'd think that a general "double dotted note" tag would suffice, but the sort of image that one would be most likely to appear on would have so many types of notes that a combo search would be meaningless. Dotted rests are somewhat more common but in a similar boat (I am sure I came across one once but can't seem to find it - perhaps I just left it alone)


Well, you can write anything in both way.
Or is there a note you can only express in BE but not in AE?
If not then I see no real reason to keep the BE terms.

Provence said:

Or is there a note you can only express in BE but not in AE?

If there were then I'd have mentioned it as that would be a far stronger reason for keeping BE than things like my personal preferences. ;)

Added the rests to the request. Suprised this thread somewhat died. Although my original bulk request stands, you can go either way, whichever comfortable.

create alias dotted_semiquaver -> dotted_sixteenth_note
create alias dotted_quaver -> dotted_eighth_note
create alias dotted_crotchet -> dotted_quarter_note
create alias dotted_minim -> dotted_half_note

Link to request

Missed the dotted subset of musical notes. I wrote the wikis to reflect this imminent change, although maybe I could do the sixteenth note one manually. The others have enough posts to warrant aliases though.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1553 (forum #144926) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I know nothing of music, so feel no patriotism here, but beamed_hemidemisemiquavers is kinda magnificent.


Anyway, I don't tag much any more since American English means nothing to me, plus I'd prolly get it wrong.

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