
symbol-shaped pupils vs. symbols in pupils

Posted under Tags

According to the wiki for heart-shaped pupils, "This doesn't apply if there are hearts within the pupils". But in practice, there are plenty of examples of exactly that within the first page of results: post #3105644, post #3105629, post #3105255, post #3104675, post #3104671. This has come up before in topic #6921 ("Non-pupil hearts in eyes") and topic #10373 ("Symbols in eyes that are not symbol-shaped_pupils"). From that second topic, we have the symbol_in_eye tag, but it's underpopulated, whereas symbol-shaped pupils has 31k, of which heart-shaped pupils covers almost 20k.

Looking at some of star-shaped pupils, the same thing occurs: post #3098958 (star in pupil), post #3105020 (star in pupil, even if the pupil isn't as clearly defined), post #3092341 (star in pupil and jutting out).

Barring a huge tag gardening effort, I think the most reasonable solution would be to expand the definition of symbol-shaped pupils and its subsets to include symbols in pupils, since they're being widely used that way already.

That tag name has always bothered the fuck out of me. In my experience, the hearts are almost never actually the pupil shape.

There are actually two tags that are describing this scenario:
Heart in eye seems to be used when te heart is anywhere in the eye EXCEPT the pupils. I've used this tag before.
Heart-Shaped_Pupils when the pupil itself is a heart or the heart is in the pupils.

I think any more specification would make tagging an utter hassle.

Pupil symbols suggest pupil shaped symbols. Pupil hearts brings to mind hearts made of pupils (shuder).

I vote for *_pupils as it feels like more natural english.

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