
Upload Error

Posted under Bugs & Features

Good evening all, I have been attempting to upload a comic from https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61805926

But my attempts have all failed, individual or bookmarklet, I get this error
Date: 2018-10-15 22:59:56 -0400
Source: https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2017/03/08/15/33/44/61805926_p22.jpg
Tags: kantai_collection kohige comic northern_ocean_hime
MD5: 62de7a05dc8ec95c7007c123aa57f5a9
Size: 227 KB

An error occurred: error: Vips::Error - icc_transform: no input profile

app/logical/danbooru_image_resizer.rb:28:in `resize_ruby'
app/logical/danbooru_image_resizer.rb:14:in `resize'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:108:in `generate_resizes'
app/logical/upload_service/utils.rb:153:in `process_file'
app/logical/upload_service.rb:56:in `start!'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:55:in `create'

I've spoken with Krugger and it appears that this collection is giving this rather unique error as no other collections seem to replicate it.

Has anyone seen this before?

After checking I can only get this error with eh artist kohige and it seems its not just one collection but all his work it seems old or new

The images in that collection include an ICC color profile from 1999 that seems to be incomplete, compared to what the modern Ruby image library used by Danbooru expects.

I see two options:

  • Add some code to Danbooru to catch the icc_transform: no input profile error and try again while ignoring the ICC profile contained in the image.
  • Strip the ICC profile from all images without recompressing them, then upload them from your PC. This will obviously result in MD5 mismatches.

kittey said:

The images in that collection include an ICC color profile from 1999 that seems to be incomplete, compared to what the modern Ruby image library used by Danbooru expects.

I see two options:

  • Add some code to Danbooru to catch the icc_transform: no input profile error and try again while ignoring the ICC profile contained in the image.
  • Strip the ICC profile from all images without recompressing them, then upload them from your PC. This will obviously result in MD5 mismatches.

I'm glad to know that it can be fixed.

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