
[FAILED] Tag implication: white_pupils -> bright_pupils

Posted under Tags

create implication white_pupils -> bright_pupils

Link to implication

Description of bright pupils: Pupils of the eyes that are lighter than the surrounding iris color.
Description of white pupils: For when the pupils of a character are white instead of the normal black.

White is a lighter color.

EDIT: The tag implication white_pupils -> bright_pupils (forum #152096) failed during processing. Reason: 2380126719099527146 is out of range for ActiveModel::Type::Integer with limit 4 bytes

EDIT: The tag implication white_pupils -> bright_pupils (forum #152096) has been rejected by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Based on the wiki definitions which you are using for your argument, an image should get the white pupils tag but not the bright pupils tag if the iris is also white.
The white pupils tag also gets used for a fair few images where the pupil consists of two parts - an inner white part and an outer part that is darker than the rest of the eye - eg. post #3186588 (ironically this has the bright pupils tag at present). This also wouldn't fit under the bright pupils tag.

Plus of course there's the fact that a lot of images tagged with white pupils aren't actually pure white, although most such images would fit in the bright pupils tag.

skylightcrystal said:

Based on the wiki definitions which you are using for your argument, an image should get the white pupils tag but not the bright pupils tag if the iris is also white.
The white pupils tag also gets used for a fair few images where the pupil consists of two parts - an inner white part and an outer part that is darker than the rest of the eye - eg. post #3186588 (ironically this has the bright pupils tag at present). This also wouldn't fit under the bright pupils tag.

Plus of course there's the fact that a lot of images tagged with white pupils aren't actually pure white, although most such images would fit in the bright pupils tag.

The number of pictures where both the iris and pupil are white are probably going to be negligible to non-existent except in cases of greyscale sketches/pictures (Where color features shouldn't be being tagged anyway) and tags like o_o or other derivatives of that tag.

skylightcrystal said:

Based on the wiki definitions which you are using for your argument, an image should get the white pupils tag but not the bright pupils tag if the iris is also white.

White eyes aren't really white in the images I've seen. More like a light shade of gray, which means that proper white pupils would be brighter than the iris.

It looks like this still failed for some reason. The implication doesn't show up on either wiki page.

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