
[REJECTED] Tag alias: drawn_curtains -> closed_curtains

Posted under Tags

The tag alias #15862 drawn_curtains -> closed_curtains has been rejected.

Reason: Both tags (although the "drawn curtains" tag does not exist) mean that the curtains are covering the windows (or whatever opening).

Redirecting people who type in "drawn curtains" to "closed curtains" will help people get the result they want faster.

EDIT: This tag alias is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This tag alias has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag alias drawn_curtains -> closed_curtains (forum #156613) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

...I didn't even know this tag existed to be honest, maybe because it's only at 8 posts so I don't think an alias is really necessary, let alone the tag.

That's fair...

Question because I'm a noob at this tagging business: do both tags need to exist for the tag alias to work?

They don't, but we usually require a good reasoning for aliasing a tag and that the tag that it's aliased to to be either well populated or soon-to-be.

I see...

What if two relatively lesser known tags (because artists usually don't draw what is described in the tag) exist but the tags are essentially describing the same thing (so the images contain the same thing too).

What should happen then?

If both tags have low amount of posts (less than 50 for example) it's easier to just re-tag all the posts that has the "wrong" tag and add the "right" one instead.

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