
[REJECTED] Tag alias: cropped_head -> head_out_of_frame

Posted under Tags

The tag alias #15872 cropped_head -> head_out_of_frame has been rejected.

Reason: Following the naming pattern of "cropped legs", "cropped shoulder", "cropped arms", etc, taggers would expect "head out of frame" to be called "cropped head" (a tag that doesn't exist).

Giving "head out of frame" the alias of "cropped head" will allow taggers to find their desired tag more easily.

EDIT: This tag alias is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This tag alias has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag alias cropped_head -> head_out_of_frame (forum #157077) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

The other cropped_* tags are for when the visible portion of the character's body doesn't reach the image border. I wouldn't fault anyone for expecting cropped_torso to work the same way. It's an empty tag for now, but someone may yet have a use for it.

Yeah, I actually had a post yesterday (post #3515489, lower left) where I was searching for cropped_head to add but didn't find anything since it's not populated. However, if that's a good tag and the above alias won't go into effect, then I'll go back and add it to that post and try to populate it a bit.

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