tag:danbooru.me,2005:/forum_topics/16686 Problem when tagging/searching 2020-03-16T16:38:42-04:00 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/164097 2020-03-16T16:38:42-04:00 2020-03-16T16:38:42-04:00 @evazion: Acknowledged. Will be fixed in the next update,... <p>Acknowledged. Will be fixed in the next update, today or tomorrow.</p> evazion /users/52664 tag:danbooru.me,2005:ForumPost/164096 2020-03-16T15:46:05-04:00 2020-03-16T15:46:05-04:00 @baconmeh2: For about a week now, whenever I try to tag... <p>For about a week now, whenever I try to tag something or search for tagged posts, all existing unused tags with similarities in name will appear alongside in-use tags in the autocomplete list for what's being typed in. Phenomena occurs under /posts, but may not be limited to that. I want to stop these unused tags from appearing when I search/tag posts.<br>I am curious if an update to danbooru brought this about, as I have not been tweaking my settings one bit for the past thirty days (Exceeding the point when this started). Has anyone else experienced this?</p><p>Here's an example of the phenomena <a rel="external nofollow noreferrer" class="dtext-link dtext-external-link" href="http://prntscr.com/rhdsfb">http://prntscr.com/rhdsfb</a></p> baconmeh2 /users/280788