
create alias chest_rig -> load_bearing_vest plus discussion on load_bearing_equipment

Posted under Tags

The bulk update request #2376 is pending approval.

create alias chest_rig -> load_bearing_vest

Reason: According to Google Trends, the term "chest rig" (post count 3) became massively more popular than the term "load bearing vest" (post count 904) since 2006. When I first tagged something with chest_rig I wondered why there wasn't a tag for it.

See also: load bearing equipment (post count 293). Many of these images fall under load bearing vest but this tag can be used for those without suspenders / shoulder straps or if cannot tell. Side note: MOLLE stands for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment, and under section "Tactical Assault Panel" in the aforementioned Wikipedia link reads "It is a bib-like chest rig[...]".

Should load bearing vest implicate load bearing equipment?

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