
Tag alias: scowl -> frown

Posted under Tags

The bulk update request #2387 is pending approval.

create alias scowl -> frown

Reason: 1) The two words are synonyms.

2) The two tags' definitions on their respective wiki articles are effectively identical.

3) frown's article explicitly references "scowl" as an alternate name.

4) frown eclipses scowl in sheer number of posts.

PS: What does "conflicting wiki pages" mean? I kept getting this error message before I eventually gave trying to make sense of it and checked "skip validations".

MarqFJA87 said:

PS: What does "conflicting wiki pages" mean? I kept getting this error message before I eventually gave trying to make sense of it and checked "skip validations".

It means both tags have a wiki page that's not identical, they can't be merged automatically when/if the alias is done.

MarqFJA87 said:

1) The two words are synonyms.

But they really aren't? A frown can be a look of discomfort or frustration or sadness or worry. It's an exceptionally broad term. A scowl is more specific; it refers to a hostile expression, one that directs displeasure towards someone or something.

2) The two tags' definitions on their respective wiki articles are effectively identical.

3) frown's article explicitly references "scowl" as an alternate name.

A wiki rewrite may be in order, but I'm not sure it would help much. Facial expressions are notoriously hard to describe in few words. You either know what they look like or you don't.

4) frown eclipses scowl in sheer number of posts.

Unsurprising, considering how bad a lot of users seem to be at recognizing and tagging emotions and expressions. I'm actually quite amazed by the number of posts that are tagged frown, because I see faces that would fall under the frown umbrella all the time that either get tagged expressionless or are simply left untagged.

There's no harm in leaving this tag alone. Everyone who can read faces well enough to tell the difference between a frown and a scowl will continue to use both tags differently, and anyone who can't read faces isn't being affected by the existence of scowl anyway.

MarqFJA87 said:

1) The two words are synonyms.

Synonym does not mean interchangeable.

Dash, sprint, jog, gallop, and bolt are all synonyms of run, but they all give a different image of how someone runs. You wouldn't use jogging to describe someone running as fast as they could.

A scowl is a more intense expression than a frown, it's the difference between someone looking just upset, and someone looking absolutely livid.

post #3809728 is a frown

post #3801933 is a scowl

I could imagine that a scowl would implicate a frown but it shouldn't be an alias since as already mentioned by the other users scowl is a more hostile emotion in comparison to frown.

iridescent_slime said:

Unsurprising, considering how bad a lot of users seem to be at recognizing and tagging emotions and expressions. I'm actually quite amazed by the number of posts that are tagged frown, because I see faces that would fall under the frown umbrella all the time that either get tagged expressionless or are simply left untagged.

What might help Users to tag the right emotion/expression if all those emotion/expression tags would link to the tag_group:face_tags to make it easier to find those. Especially for those Users who don't have english as their first language and might struggle to remember/find the right word.

I was actually suprised to find out that there is no emotion/expression tag_group in the first place. I looked for a while when I finally figured out they were under the face_tags group.
So maybe it would be a good idea to create a emotion/expression tag group that would link to tag_group:face_tags?

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