
Tag Aliases: Code Geass Characters

Posted under General

I've been wondering for some time why these tags have been left this way. If I missed a particular topic, feel free to redirect me.

As it stands now, at least three code_geass characters are tagged by their psuedonyms. Kallen was half Britannian and used "Stadtfeld" to hide her real, obviously Japanese last name of "Kozuki" (which she uses in the resistance). Lelouch & Nunnally used "Lamperouge" to conceal their status as the children of royalty.

lelouch_lamperouge -> lelouch_vi_britannia
nunnally_lamperouge -> nunnally_vi_britannia
kallen_stadtfeld -> kallen_kozuki
CC -> C.C.

Kallen is either Kouzuki or Kozuki, not sure how we romanize things on Danbooru. I see Kozuki used more often due to gg subs and what not.

CC being used isn't a big deal, although C.C. is her proper name! Thanks ahead of time.


Updated by jxh2154

Kalen has been discussed to death in previous threads, so that one will be staying as Stadtfeld.

There's no need to change Nunnaly or Lelouche because Lamperouge is the name they are introduced with and live by for much of the series. Remember, we don't really change character tags based on later developments, even if it's not a spoiler in this case.

CC can probably be changed.

Oh and since it was brought up, we always extend long vowels in Japanese when appropriate.


I rather prefer cc without the periods, but if other people don't that's fine. We should probably also do v.v. if we do c.c.

Nunnally and Kallen should probably be done the other way around to go along with the standing Lelouch alias.

Log said: Nunnally and Kallen should probably be done the other way around to go along with the standing Lelouch alias.

Kallen is already aliased. I added Nunnally.

They only live by Lamperouge for the first season. :<

I figured their Britannian names were more appropriate due to "Lelouch vi Britannia" being the one most used due to Lelouch's Geass. Also Nunnally was known by her real last name all throughout R2, as the Princess.

Personally, I'd prefer C.C. over CC. The tag looks a little silly as it is.

Could anyone link me to the Kallen discussions? Just curious about the details of the situation. I'll look around the forums myself, as well.

Tieria said: They only live by Lamperouge for the first season. :<

That's more than enough, though. Again, danbooru's policy is to stick with the initial name in most cases. The same applies to Kallen, which is the tl;dr version of those discussions. As long as they're called by that name for any significant amount of time and the name is official, it'll be used. Exceptions on danbooru would be very few, and probably tied to tag conflicts more than anything else. The Geass characters don't qualify for an exception either way though.

Much of the time it's this way because of spoilers, but even when it's not a spoiler the policy holds.

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