
Name for Persona 3 Portable Female Main Character?

Posted under General

You would have to wait a while to get an "official name."

arisato_minato (protagonist of P3) only had his name provided in the manga and for a while was completely nameless.

Granola said:
You would have to wait a while to get an "official name."

arisato_minato (protagonist of P3) only had his name provided in the manga and for a while was completely nameless.

Now that I'm thiking about it, there's no reason her name couldn't be "Arisato Minato" either, is there?

But regardless, I think female_protagonist_(person_3) is probably best for the moment.

Algasir said: I'll admit the naming for the tag was kinda bleh. If we were to go with a different one I'd pick female_protagonist_(persona_3).

Although really long, it's consistent with how we tagged Minato before he got a name. I guess I'd go with that.

Fencedude said: Alias it to /fpp3

It should have more posts before doing that... but it's really long and fpp3 isnt exactly something that'll conflict, so okay done.

Fencedude said:
Now that I'm thiking about it, there's no reason her name couldn't be "Arisato Minato" either, is there?

A girl called Minato?

There's also Minako, but I think it'd be best to just stick with this tag instead of just making up a name.

Glad I could contribute, though it is a bit long. I'm sure they'll give her a name eventually even if it is revealed in a somewhat obscure fashion like Minato's.

If she did end up sharing the name Minato, would we just use Arisato Minato (female)? And if so, would the original Arisato Minato tag have (male) added on to the end, or just remain the same?

Tieria said: If she did end up sharing the name Minato, would we just use Arisato Minato (female)? And if so, would the original Arisato Minato tag have (male) added on to the end, or just remain the same?

Probably just _(female) with no _(male) since the male came first, and changing the tag on people now isn't necessary. However we have to make sure people don't start using _(female) for genderswapped versions of the male. Which they haven't so far, so it shouldn't be a concern I guess.

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