
Tag disambiguation: kabuto

Posted under General

I wanted to tag kabuto (the helm), but it turns out it's already taken by a (not particularly big) artist. Any particularly good ideas as to how to disambiguate them?

Updated by jxh2154

I wouldn't say we should qualify the general object. The artist isn't highly entrenched, and general items trump artists anyway. I'd just give the helm the base tag.

Shinjidude said:
I wouldn't say we should qualify the general object. The artist isn't highly entrenched, and general items trump artists anyway. I'd just give the helm the base tag.

Neither is highly entrenched. The qualifier should stick, to disambiguate the two uncommon tags.

I guess I'm asking why qualify what doesn't need qualified. The artist has only 2 undeleted posts. I don't see how that is sufficient enough to require we qualify a noun.

I definitely think the helmet should get priority over the artist. I guess just kabutosan631 is good, as there's a high chance we'll get another artist called "kabuto" at some point in the future.

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