
Tag Alias: fish_tank -> fishtank

Posted under General

Roarchu said:
so isn't that the right way to do it?

Fishtank may be what is in use now, but I was wondering if that should really be the case. "Fish tank" beats fishtank 9:1 on Google search, at least.

Hillside_Moose said:
Why not just alias them to aquarium?

Only if fish_bowl and fishbowl are also aliased to aquarium.

If it is worth the distinction, then we need two pairs of aliases, pointing to the one or two word tag, and perhaps implications to aquarium.

I lean towards the latter, since bowls and tanks generally refer to different shapes, and "aquarium" encompasses those as well as the giant versions.

I'd rather not mix the large aquariums with those used at home. One is really more of a location, while the other is an object in the image.


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