
New server

Posted under General

The new server is now running at http://hijiribe.donmai.us

Both servers are connected to the database so any change you make to one will be visible on the other. File uploads are also being synced between the two. The code is otherwise identical.

My eventual goal is to DNS load balance danbooru.me between these two servers. Let me know if you see any issues.

Updated by Log

All timestamps are extremely wrong over here, I know I sure as hell didn't post that an hour ago. It's rounding up to the nearest hour even at a few minutes. Forum posts don't appear to bump either.

Oh that's what it is. If something is posted on the other server it's rounded up to the nearest hour so this is going to be a mindfuck for anyone who sees this post in the next ~52 minutes.


Hmm, I didn't see this either, and I usually keep on top of the forum. No idea.

Are there any differences between hijribe.donmai.us and danbooru.me, or are they basically clones running the same version of Danbooru?

Also any idea on when safebooru might return?

Haha the time paradox bug is worse than I thought. This is going to make the queue amusing for a while if people post using the other site.

I saw the thread but didn't have time to mess around with the new server at the time. I figured someone who's more clued up on these things would respond.

Sorry for the flapping. The danbooru.me domain now points to both servers. It may take some time for your DNS to update.

Oh hey, so that's why the site is suddenly running somuch faster than the last time I checked. Awesome.

jxh2154 said:
Oh hey, so that's why the site is suddenly running somuch faster than the last time I checked. Awesome.

Can this mean we don't have to cache tag counts so long anymore?

albert said:
Sorry for the flapping. The danbooru.me domain now points to both servers. It may take some time for your DNS to update.

So... no need to use hijiribe.donmai.us anymore?

Not_One_Of_Us said:
So... no need to use hijiribe.donmai.us anymore?

You can still use it if you explicitly want to use that server.

Why not revive miezaru.donmai.us for that purpose? Though I don't see why you'd specifically want to use a particular server over another other than for testing purposes.

On the upside, that would fix all the broken links strewn about throughout the forums and elsewhere from when Danbooru was Miezaru.

On the other hand though, allowing people to pick a server sort of bypasses and counteracts the load-balancing the second server was meant to provide in the first place.

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